Embarrassing breakdown with fatal consequences in financial management. According to a report from the “Sueddeutsche Zeitung” should be installed on 24 June by 18 clock a remake of existing Elster program (ELStAM However, this was incorrect and submitted by five days incorrect information to the tax authorities.
Affected are 82,339 records, according to a reply to a request of the Finance Ministry of the Left, the “SZ” on. 28,287 of the records were sent to companies in Germany, including only 6200 in North Rhine-Westphalia and 4600 in Bavaria.
The workers were by the system error at one time in the wrong tax bracket. The number of children had been partially falsified. Although it is technicians noticed quickly, the error could not have been solved by further updates in July and August. Problem:. Many of the workers who had previously received an incorrect number of children are now landed according the newspaper report in the wrong tax bracket
About paper certificates have affected tax notifies the employee and partly already refunded the money. Others would be compensated only with the tax return 2016th Left-tax expert Richard Pitterle are loud “SZ” blame the government. This equipped the tax authorities from having sufficient financial resources for working software. Currently lets Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) draw up a law on the modernization of the taxation procedure.
still save taxes just before the end
There are still less than two months until the end of the year. Taxpayers should – not only in view of the incident mentioned above – now once again examine their documents. Because maybe they can reduce their tax burden once more with a few simple tricks. Here is a list of the most important details:
– Change Tax Class: spouses and registered partners can check their tax brackets for the year until the end of November. “Whether it is worthwhile to change the tax brackets, depending on the income levels,” says Wolfgang Wawro from Steuerberaterverband Berlin-Brandenburg. Do one of the partners at least 60 percent of total income, then it is worthwhile if it would qualify for inclusion in the tax class III. The low-income partner then come in the tax class V. While then more income tax should be removed as needed. But he get through the income tax assessment back.
“A change is also for those who qualify, get a large special payment in December and benefit immediately want “says Christian Böke, vice president of Steuerberaterverband Lower Saxony Saxony-Anhalt. The partner who get the bonus leave, be classified in tax class III and feel the relief as early as December, and not until after the next tax return.
– collect medical expenses: cost of medication, dentures and spa stays can be claimed as extraordinary expenses in the tax return. “In this case, however, a co-payment will be deducted as a reasonable burden from one to seven percent of total income,” says Wawro. If taxpayers are at the limit of reasonable own contribution and anyway example anstehe greater dental treatment, they could this perhaps bring forward in this year.
“If on the other hand is favorable, the bill to be paid until 2016, the patient might be able to make alternative arrangements with the dentist, “recommends Wawro. “Basically, I always advise to collect evidence, the pharmacy bills over three to five Euro. When autumn surprisingly the large tooth-operation comes, the sum may be able to exceed the load limit.”
tax relief of up to 1200 euros possible
– apply for tax-free allowance: It can be applied for for the current year until the 30th of November. “Then he is already considered in the wage tax in December,” explains Gerauer. Especially single parents should think twice the this year, for their relief amount was at 1908 euros – in a child – increases. “The first child takes into account the tax office during the tax class II automatically for all other children have to submit an application..”
– settle contractor costs: taxpayers who end of the year or are planning a renovation in January, should durchrechnen, how best to spread the costs. In principle, 20 percent of the cost can settle, but a maximum of 6000 Euros are favored, so that tax relief can result in up to 1,200 euros. “When you come through the ceiling, you should consider whether you can spread the cost over two years as a pre-payment to the artisans,” recommends Gerauer. In this way could even the maximum amount in two years be exploited
– Non-assessment certificate get:. Be easy to forget loud Böke also interest income children. If children have savings accounts or deposits whose interest earnings exceed the savings allowance, they would also have capital gains tax and solidarity surcharge and possibly pay church tax. If they have no other income, but that is unnecessary. “Parents can apply for a non-assessment certificate from the tax office and submit it to the bank,” says Boeke. It applies generally for three years.
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