The installation of a new security software to approximately 8500 computers of the Brandenburg Police ensures criticism. The competent Ministry of the Interior of Brandenburg had already set in the public tender on the software of the Baden-Württemberg company EgoSecure GmbH, which belongs to the InfoWatch group of Russian businesswoman Natalya Kaspersky.
Such a so-called “product-sharp” Tender is impeding competition and procurement law alone justified if proven to be a single product meets the requirements. According to research of the “Welt am Sonntag”, however, have at least two other German IT security companies can fulfill the requirement profile.
The Vergaberechtler tungsten Krohn of the international law firm Denton told the “Welt am Sonntag” that the award was unlawful, if only one other product would come into question.
The Brandenburg Ministry of the Interior as employer of the police justified the product crisp tender so that a previously would have taken place “extensive market research”.
Only the interface software EgoSecure have complied with the requirements of the police “in all relevant points”, it says. From the perspective of Vergaberechtler Krohn justification of the police for the product definition, however, is “worse than useless”.
he thought it unlikely that there would actually be only a product which fulfills the requirements communicated by the police. Check declared the company “Center Software Tools” from Ludwigsburg and “itWatch” from Munich that their products would meet all the criteria set out by the Brandenburg police. EgoSecure CEO Sergei Schlotthauer stressed however, the tender was carried out lawfully.
The contacts of Moscow businesswoman Natalya Kaspersky to Russian secret service FSB have long been known. Once saved the FSB the son of the entrepreneur from the captivity of blackmailers. However, they stated that the Secret Service could not gain access to the computer of the Brandenburg police, because “there is no links and no foreign code has been implemented”.
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