Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Software Treefinder: journal article draws from immigration opponents back – Published: 11/18/2015 11:56

He had immigrant friendly countries banned the use of its scientific software now withdrew an essay of Treefinder developer a professional journal. They are, however, for formal reasons to.

The journal BMC Evolutionary Biology has withdrawn a scientific essay. Author Gangolf Jobb had prohibited the use of a co-developed by Software him in eight European countries for political reasons.

Jobb had developed together with two colleagues, the software Treefinder. The makes it possible to represent the genetic material of all sorts of living things in a tree graphically. Thus, for possible evolutionary relationships between species show. 2004, researchers had described the software in a much-cited article in BMC Evolutionary Biology.

Software may not be used in countries that receive many refugees

Since October 1, the software can not be more in Denmark, Germany, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Austria and Sweden are used. Reason is that these countries have added “together, most non-European immigrants” , Jobb writes on his website. He did not mind helping refugees. This should “be kept entirely separate from us Europeans.” However,

He would no longer support the political system in Europe and Germany with his work. “There is no real democracy, and I do not agree with most of the decisions.” . This applies particularly to the immigration policy. The use of Treefinder in the US had Jobb prohibited beginning of the year because the country is imperialistic.

journal called formal grounds

The article BMC Evolutionary Biology has now retired. The journal explains the decision by amending the Terms of Use. “The software is no longer for all scientists who want to use them in certain regions, available.”

The point a breach of the Rules of the magazine for software. This does show, that a published software must be available to all researchers for non-commercial use without restrictions.

Scientists are Treefinder in other countries to use

Jobb itself does not believe that it violates these terms and conditions. Any scientist can use Treefinder further – he or she must simply go to a country where the use is not prohibited, he said the web site Retraction Watch. That was admittedly uncomfortable, but he does not care. This also applied to the retraction of the article.

The two co-authors have, according to BMC Evolutionary Biology does not affect the terms of use. But they supported the action of the magazine.

If a scientific essay withdrawn, this means that it results described is not to be included in future research. Most essays are withdrawn because of scientific misconduct, for example due to falsified data or plagiarism. (wp)

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