11/03/2015, 15:50 clock | t-online. de

The update to iOS 8.2 ironed out many weaknesses. (Source: Russian Look / imago)
Apple has 8.2 released for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Download iOS. The latest version has many improvements and bug fixes. Among other things, six vulnerabilities were closed, including The designated as a freak attack gap , which allows to intercept encrypted connections.
iOS 8.2 is no longer susceptible to the name Freak (short for: Attack on RSA Export Keys) baptized attack scenario. Apple has removed the support for the weak RSA key by its own account. Moreover, it was 8.2 with a vulnerability in the phone component darned could ausknipsen the device via the attacker with a malicious Flash SMS. In addition, Apple eliminated leaks in his Internet service iCloud and the runtime environment iOSurface.
At its new mobile operating system, Apple has the app “Apple Watch” settled. The app, which can not be deleted, allows the coupling and synchronization of the same smart wristwatch with the iPhone. Be to have The watch that wants to be a fashion accessory and fitness strap to the end of April .
iOS 8.2: more fitness functions
The second innovation, the app “activity” is available exclusively from iPhone 5 or newer. It indicates fitness data were collected with the Apple Watch. However, they will only appear on the display after the Apple Watch was connected to the iPhone.
Users of Health Cruises have after updating to iOS 8.2 generally more choices of measure for distance, body temperature, height, weight and blood sugar. In addition, now training of third-party apps imported and displayed visually
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“count steps”
Also new is a privacy setting that you forbid his iPhone tracking of steps, distance and crested storeys can. Without the update to 8.2, each step is observed even when the phone is in standby mode lies dormant in your pocket.
Further adjustments relate Bluetooth, Siri and iCloud restore that caused errors in the previous version, under certain circumstances. On iOS 8.2 it should not be that songs or playlists are sometimes not sync iTunes with the Music app. In addition, Apple has fixed some problems that occurred in Exchange servers about the mail or calendar adjustment.
Take advantage of Apple’s App health “Health”?
Download the update and install
The update to version 8.2 can trigger on Settings, General, and software update. It stands for iPhone 4s and new iPad 2 and new and iPod touch fifth generation. For the size of the update, Apple makes no general information. Users of iPhone 6 should expect about 486 megabytes. An update via LAN connection and iTunes with previous data backup is recommended.
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