The advance of Internet applications in car or household drives the demand for skilled labor in the technology group Bosch in height. World should be readjusted this year 12,000 graduates. We are looking for mechanical engineers, electrical engineers and IT professionals.
The Technology Group Bosch plans to hire about 12,000 graduates in the current year and thus increased networking with the carry Internet account. “The proportion of software will continue to grow,” said Bosch HR Director Christoph bucket Deutsche Presse-Agentur. “Even through the theme Industry 4.0 it will again be appreciable growth.” Every third of the planned new posts should therefore be in the IT field. Would
Wanted mechanical engineers, electrical engineers and IT experts, said personnel director Christoph bucket. Last year, Bosch had around 9,000 professionals readjusted with a university degree.
experts for digitizing machines
As an automotive supplier Bosch operates as his main rival Continental , among others, the technique for automated driving. But also for the digitization of industrial or domestic machine software developers and programmers are needed.
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“For software developers, the market is very tight, so we’re looking “bucket told the news agency Reuters. The greatest need for experts spend it in India, where the previously 26,000 employees, around 3,200 are to be added. The graduates programmed there products traded worldwide at lower wages than German specialist, said bucket.
In Germany 1200 positions are advertised
But are crafted especially for the local market, which is growing much faster in Asia than in Europe. Accordingly, the second-most recruitment 2600 positions for China are planned. In Germany Bosch studied 1,200 academics – and has a large selection
The number of employees will grow from last 290,000 worldwide this year to more than 360,000 since the Stuttgart Foundation Group two former joint venture with more than 250,000 applications per year. – the former Bosch Siemens Home Appliances and ZF Steering Systems – fully acquired
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