Browsers such as Internet Explorer or Google Chrome are the most common target for hackers .
The number of vulnerabilities in computer programs has increased significantly, according to a study in recent years. The end of 2014 about 6,500 software vulnerabilities were known, and is 2000 more than in 2011, according to a study by the Potsdam Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI), which will be presented at CeBIT in Hannover on Monday. Thus, the value lies currently only slightly below the previous highs of 2006 and of 2008.
In almost 70 percent of cases, the vulnerabilities affect the confidentiality of programs according to the HPI – that is, they allow an attacker to read sensitive data such as passwords. Currently, would take to weaknesses, notably classified as moderate; Vulnerabilities of the highest severity would, however, rare. HPI Director Christoph Meinel explained that the software maker had at last endeavored “to eliminate the most critical gaps”.
Under the operating systems Windows XP has, according to the analysis of the most critical vulnerabilities, namely well 500. The program will be offered no more security updates since April 2014 but it is still used.
Browser is the point
According to the HPI For application programs account for particularly large number of critical vulnerabilities in the browser: For Internet Explorer from Microsoft were 700 of these vulnerabilities have been counted in Chrome by Google 600 and the Firefox Mozilla 570 . “The presentation software for Internet content is increasingly complex, because websites can handle various multimedia formats and additional dynamic content and more often have to,” said Meinel. Therefore, growing the risk of vulnerabilities.
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browsers are Meinel, according to the most commonly used target for hackers – finally moved the users using this programs on the internet, so that offer an approach for attacks here.
The HPI gathers for its database for 15 years on the Internet freely available information on software vulnerabilities and -Problems. The collection is reported to be updated several times a day.
The Protection of the Constitution provides for German politics and economics in sight
Also, the Federal Constitutional protection made in the morning at the Cebit vulnerabilities in the network aware “of foreign intelligence services operate still a lot of effort to spy on our country” said Jadran Mesic. He is responsible for counterintelligence department heads Protection of the Constitution. Every day there are between 2000 and 3000 alone attacks on the network of the federal government – at least five of them there is strong suspicion of activities of foreign intelligence services. Mesic: “It would be wrong to attribute such activities in the Western intelligence services.”
The secret spies had. In Germany especially automotive and defense companies and research institutions in their sights Another phenomenon: International conflict situations can be fueled by digital activities. “The manipulation of human experiences a high degree of attention,” said Mesic. On the first public day of the world’s largest computer fair CeBIT in Hannover was the data security one of the focal points of the industry show.
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