03/03/2015, 18:03 clock | dpa
BlackBerry CEO John Chen – here at MWC in Barcelona – aligns the company on software. (Source: AP)
BlackBerry wants to ensure the supply of software and apps survival. The announced John Chen, head of the former smartphone pioneer at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona. However, the new alignment should not be limited to smartphones.
BlackBerry was once a leading player in the smartphone business, but lost after the launch of the iPhone to connect to rivals such as Apple and Samsung. Most recently, the Canadian company focused on corporate clients, but the smartphone sales fell last year by over two-thirds. The market share is currently at only 0.4 percent.
The realignment with software and apps is part of the restructuring of the company. “We focus on doing business with software,” Chen said Tuesday at MWC and pushed for: “And we want to ensure that our software works with all devices.”
<- true xxxxx! ->Software for the Internet of Things
He mean not only the management of smart phones from different providers in business, but also applications for all types of vending machines networked technology to rice cookers, said Chen. “Everything has an IP address, we want to manage.”
Despite the sales problems would stick to the BlackBerry smartphone business, said the manager responsible Ketan Kamdar. “We want to achieve profitable growth.” As long as the business threw off a win, that market shares are secondary. The goal was to bring out an innovative model every year
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New Slider Smartphone
On the MWC introduced BlackBerry four new mobile phones before, including the prototype of a slider smartphone with a touchscreen and keyboard. However, the device was shown only briefly, without technical details were known. It showed a smartphone, in which can be used to move as the upper and lower halves in classical slider phones, so that a keyboard is revealed. The “dual-curved slider smartphone” is similar to The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge have a display that goes beyond the page edges , and later this year on the market.
Otherwise showed a BlackBerry entry-level smartphone with LTE called “Leap”. The 5-inch model with HD resolution (1080 × 720 pixels) has a dual-core Qualcomm processor (1.5 GHz), two gigabytes of RAM and 16 GB of internal memory that with SD cards up to 128 Gigabyte may be increased. On the back of an 8-megapixel camera is installed, the front camera takes two megapixels. The “Leap” is to come for about 245 euros in the trade.
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