The last time that was allowed to breathe fresh mountain air, the Software AG’s been a while. Since 2011, the value tended to the south, but now the paper attacked those same downward trend and has broken out beautifully upwards
At the beginning of July 2011, the paper of the Software AG is listed on a share price of 44.50 euros before the actual upward trend was abandoned and the stock crashed to early November downright to the horizontal support in the area of 21,80 €. There then began a more modest downward trend that has depressed prices on a final low of 17.54 euros by mid-October 2014.
Only at this point found themselves buyer for the paper that a significant could initiate counter-movement to the parent downtrend in the range of 24,85 €. Since beginning of the week to follow very significant variations across this resistor range, which could possibly open up further medium-term upside potential.
Maybe is that soon the path towards the child reaching highs of 2014 and initially 27,00, 27,77 and 28, € 60 free. At the very end even the last major interim high of 29.27 euros could be addressed before the paper Software AG again undergoes a turnaround and consolidated for several weeks. On the opposite side Kurnotierungen should be seen below 24.00 € as clearly bearish and the likely long-term decline again protracted. 23,20 € including taxes on and on 22,30 euro should follow then
Software (daily chart in EUR):.
Resistors: 25,79 / 26,07 / 26,50 / 27,00 Supports: 24,10 / 24,00 / 23,49 / 22,83 / 22,34 / 22,00 / 21,33 / 20,00
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