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For self-diagnosis http://ots.de/eqj99
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Hannover / Potsdam (ots) –
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Since 2011, the number of reported software vulnerabilities now even greater worldwide. According to a scientific analysis of the Potsdam Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) the end of 2014 were well publicized 6,500 vulnerabilities. As the overview of computer science researchers shows the value in the 15-year comparison is only just below the peak levels in 2006 and 2008. At that time, there had been 7,000 published references to so-called “Vulnerabilities”. As the HPI announced at CeBIT in Hannover, especially the moderate software vulnerabilities increased significantly and reached 2014 its all-time high. contrast
The vulnerabilities of the highest severity take since resistant from 2008, the Director of the Institute, Prof. Christoph Meinel. The computer performs the strong efforts of manufacturers in recent years back, “particularly to eliminate the most critical gaps”. According to the HPI study the impact of the vulnerability distribute 12 to 14 percent to problems with the availability, integrity and confidentiality of the Software. In about half the cases even all three problem areas
“The availability here refers to the accessibility of the service” are affected together., Explained Meinel. The term integrity of the possibility of unauthorized write access will be referred to, which can result in a change of data, or the system of impact. In the category confidentiality everything is recorded, which was linked to the read access to sensitive data such as passwords.
According to the investigation of the HPI is critical vulnerabilities in operating systems Windows XP software with 511 reported vulnerabilities in the first place. Apple MAC OSX system is ranked 4, Linux 7th in the standings. “Here, you have to consider, of course, that the popularity of the software plays a role,” said the IT security specialist. If an operating system is widespread, it examined potential attackers much more intense because the vulnerabilities can be exploited more often because of the large spread.
are The critical vulnerabilities in applications that Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer (700 posts), Google Chrome (600) and Mozilla Firefox (570) on the first three places in the list , Other software applications followed, at some distance.
“The presentation software for Internet content is increasingly complex, because websites more frequently, often multi-media formats and additional dynamic able to process content must, “said Meinel. Therefore, growing the risk of vulnerabilities. Browser are probably the most common target for hackers because the users move with the browser in Internet, and so provide a starting point for attacks by the Potsdam scientists said.
Browser -Selbstdiagnose at CeBIT
His institute presents the CeBIT visitors the appropriate database for IT-attack analyzes (https://hpi-vdb.de) in which the majority of the freely available on the Internet information about software vulnerabilities and -Problems are integrated and combined. Currently there are more than 68,000 information stored on vulnerabilities that are present in nearly 173,000 affected software programs from 15,000 manufacturers.
Using the database of the HPI can all Internet users, including CeBIT visitors leave their browser for free check for any obvious weaknesses, exploit the cyber criminals often sent to attack. The system detects the browser version you are using – including commonly Plugins – and displays a list of known vulnerabilities on. CeBIT visitors get the vulnerability analysis demonstrated live. An extension of the self-diagnosis on other installed software is designed by the HPI.
HPI one of the largest exhibitors in Hall 9
The Hasso Plattner Institute is This year, the largest exhibitors under the theme “Research and Innovation” at CeBIT. There showcase the latest computer science scientist research and development results from the world of “Big Data” for the “d conomy!” – So the made-up word for “digital economy”. It will bring the transformation towards fully networked economy expressed. The HPI shows on more than 380 square meters of floor space, for example, such as corporate decision makers will be able to rely on novel real-time data in support sessions. As the HPI demonstrates, there are innovative ways of Big Data analysis in football and for the containment of epidemics in the world. In addition, new solutions to increase IT security as well as free online courses for everyone will be presented on topics related to information technology
Note to editors. <- - Sh_cad_11!>: Detailed material (text, photos, videos) to another You will find exciting HPI topics on our website at CeBIT: www.hpi.de/cebit.
Interviews with prominent CeBIT visitors about IT location Germany can be found during the fair on www.it-gipfelblog.de
OTS. <- - sh_cad_13!>: HPI Hasso Plattner Institute newsroom: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/22537 newsroom RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_22537.rss2
Press Contact: HPI Press Office: presse@hpi.de. HPI spokesman Hans-Joachim Allgaier, MA, Tel .: +49 331 5509-119, Mobile: +49 1792675466,

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