Dresden (ots) – Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
at the development of new technologies, software plays the key role. Dresden is the largest European microelectronics location and traditionally strong in technology. Here we develop software company at the interface of software and hardware IT solutions for business and industry. The software and IT industry is the fastest growing sector in the Saxon capital – with the highest birth intensity in Saxony. Throughout Germany Dresden is one of the strongest incubators in the ICT sector with a focus on inter alia, to industry-related software. From 16 to 20 March, presenting the strong software Dresden at CeBIT, the world’s largest information and communications technology. A total of 11 software companies and -Startups from Dresden put on the Saxon joint stand (Hall 5, Stand B 34) their IT solutions. You are cordially invited to a
Press Briefing: Software for the industry – Dresden as an international IT location, Wednesday, March 18, 2015, at 10.30 to 12 clock, at CeBIT 2015 German Messe Hannover, Saxon Pavilion Hall 5 / Stand B 34 (Lounge), fairgrounds, 30521 Hannover, https://goo.gl/maps/VzwVN
Branchenvertreter and foundation initiatives report on the software Dresden as a promising start-up and growth industry , In addition, Dresdner companies and startups provide novel IT solutions
Your interlocutor. Michael Kaiser, Expert Group Manager ICT of Dresden, Anne Loos, futureSAX (up competition and matching platform for entrepreneurs), Alexander Tietze, HighTech runway (seed and start-up initiative, focused on high technology), John Kersten, Social Care GmbH (software developer for the care sector), Dr. Rico Petrick, Linguwerk GmbH (IT-developer of novel language-learning software), Marius Brade Mind-Objects (start-up project, the Tablet-PC software with digital pen developed)
Excellence Dresden – nine reasons that speak for the excellent business and research: www.dresden.de/invest
Please register your participation until Tuesday, March 17, 2015 by calling (03 51) 50 14 02 00 or email: dmg@weichertmehner.com
OTS: City of Dresden newsroom: http : //www.presseportal.de/pm/113914 newsroom via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_113914.rss2
Pressekontakt: Agency WeichertMehner Ulf Mehner, Robert Weichert phone (03 51) 50 14 02 00 E-mail: dmg@weichertmehner.com
City of Dresden, Kai Schulz, Press Officer, Phone (03 51) 4 88 23 90, E-mail: presse@dresden.de

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