Many online services can only be used when entering passwords, account information and other personal data. But how to recognize as a normal user that everything is above board? Scientists at TU Darmstadt have developed a program that helps.

On how to enter sensitive information such as passwords and payment data. And let’s be honest: Who looks even still in the input field at the top left of the screen, if the data transmission via “https” is running – and so is encrypted using a special procedure? “That does not ever”, so the experience of computer scientist and assistant professor Melanie Volkamer of the Technische Universität (TU) Darmstadt. She has developed a team of undergraduate and graduate students a program that protects passwords, payment information and privacy.
Additional program for “Firefox”“PassSec +” is the addition program that have developed for the Internet browser “Firefox”, the scientists – and downloaded for free on any PC can be. “We tried to reduce the burden on users, by cram the safety directly in the input field,” explains Melanie Volkamer talking to the ECHO. “PassSec +” checked while surfing the Internet, if the data transmission over the Internet protocol “https” is running and has a special certificate of the website operators. If the frame for inputting a password in green – and appears set during installation safety symbol, such as when logging in to the sides of the Sparkasse Darmstadt, sensitive data can be entered safely. If the frame is orange like Amazon, the user has to look very closely, whether he may be landed on a fake website that tries to get to his data. What has to be checked, the user will be displayed by the program. For example, if an input field is highlighted in red, caution is advised. “PassSEc +” displays in such cases, if you can switch to a secure website. For example, the websites of GMX and secure ‘https’ pages, but they do not offer automatically. With the addition of service “PassSec +” to set Internet users that this will in future automatically accessed only via “https”.
The program also clarifies the functions of cookies that store small files that the website operator on the computer of the user to capture their usage – and to evaluate them for promotional purposes. With the help of “PassSec +” users may choose to advance that certain cookies automatically from “Firefox” blocked and deleted from visited websites by closing the browser cookies.
The development of “PassSec +”
was funded by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection. The program of the Darmstadt computer can be downloaded for free at the following address:
program it does not replace antivirus
And how safe is the program itself? An individual in the box displayed for each user icon is designed to prevent web page operator can fake the mark. “One hundred per cent security against hackers who cut short the program’s functionality through malicious software on your own PC, there is not, however,” says Melanie Volkamer. The program replaced for example, not the antivirus software on the PC.

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