The first fee-based software product from Amazon, an OCR software for digitizing texts on their own scanner, turned out to be more and more as Mega flop. The product gets almost across the board scathing reviews and hardly finds buyers. Amazon seems to care.
In the past, Amazon software developed primarily for content producers and place them then this free ready. Mention may be made about the Textbook Creator. The published in February this year Windows tool Kindle Convert more in two ways from this procedure from: Kindle Convert cost from day one money (initially $ 19, now $ 49) and is directed dedicated to individuals who the software can scan their books and documents and upload them directly to the Kindle Cloud. Shall.
Kindle Convert lousy with OCR
Because in practice, the text recognition of Kindle Convert, so the core component of the software, obviously lousy. This puts the majority of reviewers on so far 23 close, the average awarded a rating of just 2.1 stars. Even the initially very expensive and bugged fire phone is compared as shiny, notes the specialist blog The eBook Reader. And the star-cut is even considerably embellished by a confused 5-star rating, which could easily get a seat in our prototypes not helpful Amazon reviews.
Almost every word, the software detects wrong, criticized a “Verified Purchaser”. The converted text is virtually unreadable, complement other. The product needed to be developed further before one could call it “acceptable”. Besides the poor OCR is also pointed to performance issues, the text recognition need unsatisfactorily long.
Poor sales, support silent
Not only the reviews are Mau, the sales figures are expected Amazon no reason to celebrate giving. Despite extensive cross-promotion is currently a leaner place in 2223 in the software best-seller list of Amazon impact. By comparison, the entry-level OCR software Omnipage ($ 30) is in the same category at No. 491, PaperPort Professional (60 US dollars) at No. 363. There are also numerous free and sold through other channels Tools
Amazon takes lousy response to its first software product with a remarkable lack of knowledge. The first questions were answered for product at even from one Amazon employees, it is since 12 February here “User help User”. And, above all: To date, there was not a single software update for the obviously immature – paid! – Software
From the outside, the impression arises, as have Amazon Kindle Convert be already largely depreciated.. A localization along with availability in Germany seems impossible under these circumstances. Maybe it really went Amazon only one character towards publishers who still account for a wide berth Kindle Matchbook. There owners purchased at print books at a small cost to purchase the digital version of each title – but only with the so far largely lack the blessing publishing
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