society :: politics / law
DiSiC, the French interministerial IT Directorate, encourages the public administrations of the country, more commitment to show in free software.

According to the plans of DiSiC (Direction of interministerial Systèmes d’Information et de Communication) public administrations to actively participate in Open Source. That could happen, for example, by the staff developers will be allowed to work on free software and to share in the corresponding communities. The reported Joinup in its Open Source Observatory.
In May had Jacques Marzin, the director of DISEC on the popular French IT websites silicone and CIO published a letter by announcing a revival of the French strategy to free software. The Committee recommends giving the establishment of a national coordination team, which is located on the regional government authorities. He also wants to expand the national guidelines for free software, named after French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault Circulaire Ayrault,.
He wants to stand out here especially on economic and technological aspects in addition to the aspect of state sovereignty. Sustainability in the face of rapidly aging technologies is an important point, which is planning emphasis in the guidelines Marzin. It is also high time to revive a real open source community in the field of free software in administrations. Marzin emphasized his plans were approved by the ministries.
About two months ago a new edition of SILL (PDF) (Socle de Logiciels Libres Interministériel) was published in 2015. This is an official list of free software recommendations for national administrations and a DVD to install the programs.

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