Linux -Distributor Red Hat Software Collections 2 made generally available. The tool package is aimed at RHEL developers; the update sets priorities both support additional language versions as well as container technology and Cloud-Computing.
So now each several versions of Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Ruby on Rails are supported. Even with database management systems (DBMS) is Red Hat on diversity and supported several versions of MariaDB, MongoDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
Dockerfiles are now available for many popular collections, including Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby , According to Red Hat developers can use it to get off to a “flying start” in terms of container. It had the technology with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 introduced Atomic Host (RHELAH).
Software Collections 2 also includes the Red Hat Developer Toolset 3.0. It contains the latest each compiler for C and C ++ as well as tools such as the integrated development environment (IDE) Eclipse.
The programs included in Software Collections 2 are from Red Hat at least two to three years long supplied with updates. . Thus, applications for RHEL 6, RHEL 7, RHELAH and Open Shift can write
for Red Hat commented Jim Totton, vice president and general manager of Platforms Business Unit: “As the needs of the developer on the application ecosystem take away, especially with the rise natively in the cloud running and composable applications, it is no longer enough to simply have the latest tools. They must also be supported, so that the resulting applications with confidence can be introduced “
In mid-May had a Red Hat” Cloud Suite for Applications “presented, which describes it as a full cloud stack -. Of the infrastructure to application platform and including management options. These were Red Hat’s platform-as-a-Service Open Shift, combined RHEL OpenStack Platform for Infrastructure-as-a-Service and hybrid cloud management framework CloudForms. A comparable complete cloud offering has. According to his information only Microsoft , but not open source providers
This means that the scope of the cloud will be easy to expand, it promised. For the development and suggested using languages such as Java, PHP and Ruby. Like comfort and comparable completeness, albeit for application development, is intended to provide Software Collections 2.
[With material by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols,]
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