Today, Enterprise Software is a comprehensive system for controlling business processes. It all started with a simple MRP system, to which should be joined by financial software, and HR software. Even the ERP system was born. Over time, the portfolio of ERP systems became more extensive. It began a domino effect, which made more and more components become part of ERP systems. Examples are supply chain systems, CRM systems, maintenance management systems and finally analytical software.
Ultimately, it was a process that took place in parallel with computer operating systems. Even operating systems have absorbed more and more functions, which made them functionally richer, but also more difficult to administer. The question is therefore whether this trend will continue and will have, ie, whether enterprise software more powerful and more extensive and more severe will be manageable.
In my view leading ERP vendors are (yes, I call they still recognize as) that can not be the way forward. For what should make the enterprise systems? They should provide an organization with tools that allow the company to efficiently and effectively manage and develop added value for shareholders.
path of military structures
It has to be the Software adapted to the organizations. Today’s successful organizational forms but no longer performed in a command-and-obedience mentality, but it is self-responsibility, self-organization, flexible and speedy responses to changing market situation favors and customer requests. Teams should operate semi-autonomously and so potentially offset errors faster. Some of the necessary management tools are called for example Balanced Scorecard, guidelines, motivation, incentives, customer proximity, participative management, 360 ° Feedback, Perform objectives, governance, etc. So
People have long been not pure command receiver more, but independently working individuals, and the organization is far from military structures. So if Enterprise software will support the business processes of “loosely-coupled” parts of the company in the future optimally, the enterprise software needs to say goodbye to the total central and centralized control.
Semi-autonomous systems such as in biology
It seems to be a universal law that the farther systems, these rely increasingly on remote intelligence (biological systems, states, organizations, technologies) develop. Consequently, the same should also apply to enterprise software.
A few examples will make this clear. In the biological field – particularly in the highly developed mammals – does not the central brain control of all organs like the heart, liver, kidney, etc. Rather, it is self-regulating cycles and balances that ensure the function within conditions. Also sensory impulses are not all processed by the brain. Many are “dealt with” directly in the spinal cord
Another example is robotic. Again, you would not get the idea of wanting to control all robots in a production hall and each setting function of the motors and pumps centrally. In particular with robots that are provided with tactile systems (visual or tactile), the processing is carried out locally. The same applies to self-navigating vehicles. There, too, will take the total control of all vehicles no central computer. . This would also run counter to the idea of autonomous driving principle
One can shorten might say: The more “intelligence” in a system is in place, the distributed organized this
transfer centrality to decentralization on enterprise software, this means first of all that it will be no more central, “omniscient” control system that all sub-processes managed to the smallest detail (ie advanced ERP system). Rather, “loosely coupled system” will support their specialty each largely autonomous.
From the central system are objectives and framework (governance) specified and distributed systems take over their execution. The communication between the subsystems is asynchronous and message-based to be.
For example, a logistics center operate autonomously from the central system. The same applies to a maintenance system or ordering system. The subsystems opt their function to local conditions, which are centrally irrelevant. The business processes are organized on the flow of information.
In addition to a System of Record, the most can represent the central function and is relatively stable, there is a system of commitment can reconfigure dynamically according to market requirements. This also accommodates a network structure of different companies.
In order to remain in the example, companies often work together with changing logistics managers. The communication and the extensive business process now spanning company boundaries. Micro-Services accept the exchange of necessary information and services optimized as part of the requirements of the job-Forgiving his own business.
Dynamic adjustment of processes through system of Analytics
Here comes next the system of Engagement and the System of Record another component in play: the system of Analytics. This exchange with the other two systems of information and provides analysis services to the assignment from your systems. Based on this analysis results business processes and information flows can be adjusted dynamically, without manual intervention.
This means that ultimately the network of semiautonomous services and functions will make the whole system. In other words: “The network is the system”. A thing of monolithic ERP structures of the past. Dynamic, self-organizing subsystems are the foundation of business processes. Corporate boundaries play for such systems hardly a role. The same applies to national borders and the technical implementation. Whether on-premise, in the private cloud or as a service in the public cloud – there are, no matter where, provided the autonomous services
Conclusion:. is the Future of Enterprise Software in autonomous, dynamically reconfigured within policy subsystems, which will no longer have a central control of the old school, but has a central component, sets the objectives that are provided locally. First signs of this are currently discernible. With a comprehensive technical implementation should be expected until 2018.

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