You are not a developer, but still want out of curiosity even before the official release of iOS 9 and completely legal “try” the new system? This year, Apple allows this for the first time – with the free public beta of iOS 9.
Last year, led the manufacturer from Cupertino, the “Apple beta software program “ a. Interested users could advance one or over the months and several beta versions of OS X Download and test 10:10 Yosemite for the Mac. Developers had to be considered beyond. These were the new betas but always a little earlier than development versions. If you wanted to contrast iOS 8 look closer for iPhone and iPad before launch, so led no (official) way on paid developer account over.
Not so this year, because in addition to a Public Beta of OS X 10:11 El Capitan for the first time there’s also the opportunity for user free the new iOS 9 in advance “to try” . Also as part of the now enlarged “Apple beta software program”.
But how can you participate and when you can download the 9 public beta of iOS?
A specific date is not called Apple, the release of the Public Beta of iOS and OS X 9 10:11 El Capitan still promised for July 2015 .
We want to make informed Once the download is possible for us, so we need to register in advance for the “Apple Software Beta Program.” So we proceed …
- We open the website “Apple Software Beta Program” (link) .
- We click the “Register” button and enter in the folgendne side our Apple ID and related password
- Now we just have to accept the program conditions -.. done
As soon as the available public beta of iOS or OS X 9 10:11 El Capitan July , we obtain Apple a Mail continue with Download. Last year, testers were given a special license code for the Mac App Store – we reported. A similar approach should also Apple for iOS 9 in mind. We will inform our readers as soon as the procedure is known in detail
Another important note: beta versions should never use with so-called “production systems” and in advance make also sure to back up. This applies to both iOS and OS X.
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