114552.html Published: 09/06/2015 12:29
For customers, the new right of return for Games on Steam is an advantage – but some developers presents it problems. Most affected are small and independent teams.
Since the beginning of June 2015 customers on Steam unceremoniously return within 14 days of games, if you have tried the title less than two hours. Now to report first developer and reports of serious trouble, because their revenues plummet. Affected are obviously not the major studios. Who buy their titles, usually know what to expect – but above all create entry of the games in two hours is not often much more than the tutorial.
problems appear to have especially the developers of small titles, of which the customer has already seen two hours later a large part of the content. One such game is that some 2-euro Beyond Gravity of Indie Studios Qwiboo. The makers report on Twitter that were at least 13 returned in just three days of 18 purchased games again, which corresponds to a rate of 72 percent.
This means in this particular case, although only a loss of revenue of 26 euro. But studios whose business model provides for the production of several such small instead of a big game, can get a problem so throughout their portfolio well.
Similar experience has made the development team Young Horses: From its 20-euro Octodad: Dadliest Catch are, according to studio boss Kevin Geisler on around 30 percent of copies sold were returned. That was indeed “alarming” , so Geisler.
He expects, however, that a cause is to be sought in the fact that the returns were new and Steam would even point yet strongly suggests. In addition, so his hope is Valve yes just beginning to identify the player who would abuse the system – Geisler expects that the situation in the foreseeable future to normal.
A particular concern expressed another indie game maker named Andrew Pellerano, also on Gamasutra: He expects the new rules soon a strong impact on the design of games have become. He expects that the developers pay future extreme that their works during the first two hours contain any frustrating moments or just too difficult places because this might well lead to a return. (Ps)
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