A Erlanger company has developed a computer system should be avoided with the undesired side effects of drugs. The program will be tested in the future in all of Bavaria, the company said.
a patient must take several drugs at the same time, can these have a negative in their effect. Often the doctors do not in the hospital, what medications a patient has been prescribed by another doctor. The new software “eMediPlan” from Erlangen to provide this information for all participating physicians. Thus doctors can verify compatibility, usefulness and necessity of the prescribed medication.
Data security is to be safeguarded
The company stresses that particular attention was paid to data protection. Each data transfer would take place over an encrypted connection. Also the patient for each transfer of data must give his consent. Long term pharmacies and nursing homes to be included in the system.
The software “eMediPlan” was developed in collaboration with doctors, Fürth Hospital and the University of Erlangen in cooperation. The Ministry of Economy has promoted the project. The Erlanger company Astrum IT has developed the program. The company employs over 150 employees at its headquarters in Erlangen.

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