“NetMan for Schools” ensures order during computer classes at school
It is about the price for school software” NetMan for Schools “: (from left) Frank Büermann, Sales Director of H + H Software, Claudia Biller from Marketing and Guido dark, the commercial manager. Photo: Schlegel
Göttingen. If students are working together in a computer room Speziallsoftware is on alert, so that there is no chaos. For developed in Göttingen package “NetMan for Schools” (NMFS), there was now an award.
The Society for Pedagogy and computer science drew the packet of H + H Software GmbH with the “EduMedia Siegel 2015″ from. Hundreds schools in Germany and other German-speaking countries use the software to meet their own computer-aided teaching and administration of the educational school network. In the district of Göttingen, it is currently at 14 schools in operation. And the University of Göttingen set out for example in their computergenstützten examination rooms.
Simple principle
The principle: The teacher or university examiner can always control the computer workstations. When test mode, only the processing of tasks is allowed, of course, usually without access to the Internet. During a typical class, it is possible to unlock the required programs and functions for the students. The software must not be installed on a single workstation, it is simply used via the school network. Especially important: The individual teacher has to be a computer specialist. Everything is controlled via easy to use interface
Even outside school hours, it is possible to use the system -. For example, as a data store for chores, homework or replacement of information within a class. In addition, the school may provide necessary programs. Also the use of tablet computers is possible.
The Goettingen-based company H + H Software, which has more than 25 employees, hopes more schools and universities of the software to be able to convince. Primary and special schools can use for free “NetMan for Schools”. In addition to this package, the company sells from CEO Michael Etscheid among other software for libraries. (BSC)
Contact:.. H + H Software, Maschmühlenweg 8-10, 37073 Göttingen, Tel 0551/522080

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