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A first for the Mac to be soon implemented. With its latest software package Office 2016 Word, Excel and Co. will soon function properly on Apple computers. Users of Windows must, however still wait until the end of the year on the new software.
“We see on the Mac platform is a strong demand from customers , and the Mac version is already done, “said Microsoft manager Thorsten Hübschen to the question of why Windows users still need several months to wait for Office 2016.
With a market share of 92 percent in Germany (according to the company) are Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Co. the standard programs for office work. On the Mac, is now also the notepad application OneNote with it. Those using the Microsoft programs already at work, fremdelt on the private Mac often with Apple counterparts (Pages, Numbers, Email and Keynote) or free alternatives like LibreOffice and NeoOffice.
Office 2011 for Mac deprecated
This is where Microsoft Office in 2016. In contrast to the elderly predecessor Office 2011 for Mac, the surface of each application now looks exactly like the Windows counterparts – apart from Mac-specific features such as the handling of the program windows. This includes in particular the so-called Ribbon (Ribbon) as the central orientation in the jungle of the various functions.
The new Office presents itself colorfully. For each document, there is a selection of different designs that invite creative design.
From the Windows version is now available at Office for the Mac over the tight integration of cloud services. When saving a document can be decided with a mouse, whether text or a table to be stored on your Apple computer or in the cloud. The services offered range from free for OneDrive to business offer SharePoint. In can also be the team working on a document to organize.
Microsoft integrates Dropbox
Even the widespread cloud offering Dropbox is going to integrate with Office 2016. “Dropbox is indeed a competitor, but the market share is significant enough to support it,” said Pretty. “We focus on the user and the names of the realities as welcome as they are on the market,” says the charge of the Office business in Germany Microsoft manager.
The mobile Apps for Word, Excel and Co. can be installed on tablet or smartphone in the new version at the same time with Windows 10 from the end of July. Apart from its own platform Windows 10, there is the Office apps for iOS (ie iPhone and iPad) and Google Android platform.
Access to the Microsoft cloud is when you open and save files without any problems – when inserting files but uses the software on the Mac file system, and only knows the iCloud from Apple but not the cloud of Microsoft. Help is provided by the Apple App Store available program OneDrive that integrates the Microsoft cloud in the Finder.
Good interplay between Mac and Microsoft programs
Personal data in the online store of a US company? There since the revelations of Edward Snowden many reservations. “LibreOffice is much more secure,” says why the CEO of Open Source Business Alliance, Peter Ganten. “It can be checked by anyone for possible backdoors.” The functionality of the freely available LibreOffice package being expanded by a large community and have an enormous thrust developed.
Office 2016 running on Mac already in the pre-release liquid and supports all major Mac functions. With one exception: The now familiar from Mac programs automatically save documents knows this “Preview” not
In the development of. individual applications, the Microsoft developers have devised a number of improvements in detail. So shows about Outlook when selecting File attachments priority documents last saved at – in the legitimate expectation that they should be sent as e-mail
. perpetual license from September
Office 2016 for Mac can from now on customers of the subscription service Office365 (10 euros per month or 70 euros per year in the Home variant be downloaded for five PCs or Macs). Microsoft promoted this usage model, have so far chosen for the 13 million individuals worldwide according to the company. The perpetual license for the software package is in September in the retail prices are not yet known.
Office 2016 requires a Mac with running OS X 10:10 (Yosemite). When installing 6.4 gigabytes are required of local disk space.
dpa / lis

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