In 40 years, Microsoft rose to the top of the PC industry, was so powerful Windows that threatened destruction, missed the smartphone Boom and found new hope in cloud services. Microsoft inextricably connected to Bill Gates.
But despite his rise Gates has always been considered a man who rather shunned public appearances. Gates did not have the extraordinary showmanship of the Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. “I was never in his league,” Gates
Every spare minute is quoted in a recent biography of Jobs. Was on the computer
Gates 1955 in the vicinity of Seattle in Washington State as son of the lawyer William H. Gates II. and the teacher Mary Maxwell Gates was born. As a student, he developed a passion for computers. Back then you could in large enterprises for rent computation times. He studied at the school the older Paul Allen know and spent his friend every free minute on the computer.
In the 70s Gates brought as a Harvard student, together with all the Basic programming language on one of the first home computer , the Altair 8800, and running. 1975 Gates broke off his studies to devote more of his small company Micro-Soft and build the company. As a founding date of the rights to QDOS system applies April 4, 1975. ‘/ P>
For US $ 50,000
His impressive career began gates with a large order from IBM. It should provide an operating system for the PC. Gates took the order and bought for US $ 50,000, the rights to the system QDOS (Quick and Dirty OS), it developed further and named it in MS-DOS (Microsoft Disc Operating System) to. In order for the computer age began. World Group Microsoft then rose with the Windows operating system on
At the height of his success -. And under the pressure of competition proceedings in the US – Gates came in early 2000 at the retreat. First was the from the position as Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer on. In 2008, the then 53-year-old then moved almost entirely from the software giant back and only takes yet as Chairman impact.
donations totaling $ 30 billion
Since then works Gates predominantly for founded by him and his wife Melinda Bill & amp; Melinda Gates Foundation in the fight against diseases like malaria and AIDS. Gates leads the magazine “Forbes” and the list of the most generous donors to date with over $ 30 billion on. The 59-year-old lives with his wife and three children in a high-tech estate near Seattle.
His Dream of the 70s has implemented at least in developed countries gates. Today, there is at least one personal computer in almost every home. 40 years ago this vision was still an ambitious target
Steve Ballmer -. Microsoft boss with a penchant for perfection

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