Microsoft: Fresh Breath for the 40th Birthday – COMPUTER BILD
Radiant Microsoft logo. With new strategies, the Group aims to return to the front
Microsoft in supercritical phase
Z to the end of the era of Microsoft boss Steve Ballmer a year ago it seemed as if the software -Gigant after a long Domination delivered in a gradual loss of importance. While Apple with the iPhone and iPad and Google with its Android system divided the booming business with smart phones and tablets, Microsoft came in the mobile sector hardly the point. The group had to rely primarily on its traditional revenue streams Windows and Office-Office programs. The sales of notebooks and desktops decreases but steadily – and with many years of absence of Office on mobile devices, users habituated to come without Microsoft programs to make ends meet
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Satya Nadella to judge it
to his 40th birthday on April 4 However, Microsoft has drawn new hope. The new CEO Satya Nadella has a change of course arranged: Instead of pressing with a vengeance own platforms in the market, Microsoft will also be present on all devices of the competition with its services and programs. The key element is the cloud services over which the data of the users are synchronized. And here the Group with Azure a hot iron in the fire. It is the closest of the many transformations of Microsoft in the past few decades,
Microsoft:. Highlights of History
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On April 4, the childhood friend Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded the company Micro-Soft. Microsoft itself has the date, though never officially confirmed, but will honor the day with a video on the history of the company. The 19-year-old Gates is boss, the company’s name is later changed to Microsoft.
Microsoft gets from IBM commissioned to provide an operating system for the planned personal computer. Microsoft offers a bought-program under the name MS-DOS. The deal is not exclusive: Microsoft MS-DOS can also sell other manufacturers. Gates’ college friend Steve Ballmer comes to Microsoft.
Allen takes place after cancer returned.
Microsoft released Windows, a graphical extension for MS-DOS.
Microsoft goes in March on the stock exchange. This lays the foundation for billion-asset Gates, Allen and Ballmer.
The company concentrates its Office programs in the package Microsoft Office.
Windows 95 makes a leap forward in terms of PC operation. At the same time, Microsoft will in vain to establish the MSN service as an Internet alternative. After the success of the web browser Netscape Microsoft bundles its competition program Internet Explorer with Windows, thus achieving a dominant position.
The bundling of Internet Explorer and Windows solves investigation by the US competition authorities from.
Gates passes in January, the Microsoft guide to Ballmer and creates for himself the post of chief software architect. A court in April, Microsoft was abusing a monopoly position. Breaking up is in the air
In October Microsoft Windows XP brings out his most durable operating system. With the Xbox, the Group increased business with games consoles.
Microsoft reaches agreement with US competition watchdogs. At the same time there are antitrust investigations in Europe, leading to several hundred million euros penalty and conditions for the separation of software.
Windows Vista sells good, but is unpopular with users among others because of complicated operation. Ballmer laughed at the iPhone, Microsoft missed in smartphones to connect to Apple and Google’s Android system.
Gates is the post of software architects from.
Windows 7 to repair the weaknesses of Vista.
With the Tablet Surface Microsoft introduced the first computer of its own production.
Microsoft buys the mobile phone division of the former world market leader Nokia. Ballmer announces his retirement at
cloud Manager Satya Nadella will be the new CEO. Microsoft sweeps after the acquisition of the Nokia Business 18,000 jobs. Nadella announces the focus on cloud services for all platforms.
It all started with the Altair 8800
childhood friends Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded in 1972 their first company should analyze traffic data. However, the key to their future idea brought them 1975 January issue of the magazine “Popular Electronics” in which the microcomputer “Altair 8800″ was introduced.
Paul Allen (left) and Bill Gates founded Microsoft in 1975. ‘/ p>
“excitement we read of the first true personal computer, and even though we still had no clear idea of what he would use to was us but soon realized that he us and the world of computing would change, “Gates wrote, 20 years later in his first book” The Way Forward “. “We were right. The revolution has occurred, and she has the life of millions of people changed. Where it has led us, then we could hardly imagine. “
Success with MS-DOS
Especially Gates realized that one, hardware and software which was offered up to this time only in a non aufzuschnürenden package, must be separated from each other. The more random winning the giant contract from IBM in 1980 to equip the first IBM PC with system software, Allen and Gates laid the foundation for the legendary climb from Microsoft. They established de facto the software industry. Paul Allen resigned in 1983 from the company after him a malignant tumor of the lymphatic system was diagnosed, which was successfully treated in subsequent years
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So moved the brawny Steve Ballmer at the side of the founder. The visionary Gates and Ballmer sale Cannon did not only “a computer on every desk”, but also ensured that the latest Windows 95 the vision of “At Your Fingertips Information” for many PC users came true.
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Micrsoft: Almost the Internet sleepy
the ascent from Microsoft for largest software company in the world, however, the two leaders underwent serious bugs. Gates realized until the summer of 1995 was not, what role will play the open web and sat instead on the completed service MSN. The competitor Netscape, who had made the first popular browser the power relations in the software industry in question, then had to be defeated in the dirty browser war. . Microsoft missed the episode just a smashing through the US antitrust Guardian
era Ballmer: Low light and shade
Two weeks before Bill Gates on 13 January 2000 handed the executive chair to his friend Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s share reached its highest price. Under Ballmer Microsoft had managed to increase the annual turnover of 25 to 75 billion dollars. But Ballmer could not prevent Google and Facebook took over the regency on the web. And his crackling laughter at the first iPhone in 2007, one of the most serious misjudgements of the IT history, is now a YouTube hit. About a year ago Ballmer then left the Microsoft CEO post and took a fraction of his wealth, the professional basketball team LA Clippers
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The largest hardware flops Microsoft
future: cloud, Windows 10 and Minecraft
Under Nadella tried recently strengthened to shake off the image of the Windows dinosaur Microsoft. The Company repurchased $ 2.5 billion the popular game “Minecraft” and presented the data HoloLens glasses that can display holographic projections into the environment. Despite all the optimism but remain large construction sites. So Microsoft sunk in recent years, several billion dollars in its search engine Bing in a still vain attempt to make Google competition. The share of the smartphone market remains low even after the acquisition of the mobile phone division of Nokia. The next hope is the upcoming Windows 10, which is to bring a common basis for all types of equipment. ( Using material from dpa )
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