Thursday, April 2, 2015

The business intelligence software must provide the OEM market in the future – Computer Week

By Business to the Intelligence, the ever-growing amounts of data can be processed and user-friendly constitute
By the Intelligence Business can the process ever-growing amounts of data and user-friendly display
Photo: pixel_dreams –

For the software market, it means that the manufacturers have to adapt to new needs. The demand for business intelligence (BI) as a modular OEM add-on is growing – regardless of whether BI is integrated in a package solution or as an extra module

buy or make yourself

.? A software provider could now come up with the idea to develop the BI component itself – programmer and know-how there after all. But good arguments contradict this approach: OEM, so the integration of specialized analysis software of a BI manufacturer promises lower development costs, faster time-to-market and higher functionality – and the associated greater flexibility

Let’s look. these arguments, one could say: to bring a product to market faster, is a real competitive advantage

Almost but more importantly the functionality.. The fact is that the requirements change quickly in the market. In a self-development, it would cost a lot of time, constantly developing new features, not to mention the adaptation and updating of existing functions. All this comes at a price – and usually more than was originally calculated. Another argument: BI is not a core competency of potential OEM-taker. It is not easy to connect databases to read spreadsheets or to pull data from the Web – and it is expensive. In short, it would be for a company risky to implement all analytical or reporting capabilities in-house rather than to focus on its core competencies.

What is actually called open

The OEM version so it has advantages?. Only Include Really can BI solutions only when they are really open. What exactly does this mean?

You need open APIs to ensure a smooth transfer of associative data analysis to other web or desktop-based applications. Implemented consistently goes very far. It takes on the respective platforms tailored technology. In Web-based projects, offers an integration over JavaScript. For desktop or Windows-based applications, we solve the above for .NET Qlik Sense and OCX for QlikView. Demand for JavaScript integration is however considerably higher, as so interactive visualizations are easy to install and web pages with JavaScript APIs can be used for mashups with other web-based APIs (such as jQuery and Google Maps) and integrate services. Provided however, that Web-based applications ensure safety, performance and availability.

And let’s not forget ….

Extremely useful features for easy integration. Quite apart from integration and openness, the potential to be integrated BI solutions differ in a number of other points. First, there is of course the question of price. Conditions can vary and ultimately it is the question of which flexibility is offered. Change the terms of your business model? The scope of technical support is important or determine the layout and design of the BI application easy to define itself. – In other words, the users a consistent experience to offer, whether or not the manufacturer’s name appears here
hides or not We will see in the future more and more BI, because only then can the ever-growing amounts of data process and display user-friendly. (Bw)

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