USA: How a geneticist from atheists to Christians was – Pope Benedict XVI. has taken the evangelical Christians, 2009 in the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
Bethesda ( One of the world’s most renowned geneticist has in his life changed from atheists to evangelical Christians. The American Francis S. Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda (Maryland), conducted from 1993 to the Human Genome Project to complete decoding of the human genome. The research opened his eyes for the grandeur and complexity of the DNA molecule, the carrier of genetic information. One can only marvel that the nucleus “God software” seats of life, Collins. In 2012 in Germany, his book “God and the genes:
A scientist decodes the language of God “. But up to this knowledge, it was a long way for today’s 64-year-olds. He grew up in a little religious family. To university studies, he saw himself as an atheist. The belief appeared to him as an irrational and emotional issue. But meeting with terminally ill patients had him start to wonder. While investigating, he had noted with amazement that there were good reasons for the existence of God. His assumption that there is no God, he finally seemed to be the least plausible.
There must be a creator type
Basically, it was a miracle that the universe in its complexity and with its mathematically precise sequences ever give. An impartial observer was almost forced to conclude that a creator must stand behind it. Collins sees God’s action in evolution. He is also convinced that science and faith are able to enrich each other. Some important questions can science do not answer – for example: “Why is there something and not just nothing. Why are we here? “
Abortion does not solve a problem
Pope Benedict XVI. took the evangelical Christians in 2009 to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. The moral laws of faith will guide you to God for the geneticist. On abortion, he said he could not imagine that abortion solve any problem. . Also, he could not accept any other date for the beginning of human life than the generation
Molecular geneticist Francis S. Collins became a Christian:, ‘Yes, there was a moment where I wurde’ for believers ( engl.)
Molecular geneticist Francis S. Collins:’It has sense thatthere is a God ‘

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