BRASS will enable computer systems that can be operated without maintenance for long periods. (Image: DARPA)
The US -Verteidigungsministerium wants to develop a computer system that can still be operated safely in a century
To develop a computer system that despite technical changes in 100 years can still be operated safely -. this goal DARPA has set itself the BRASS (Building Resources Adaptive Software Systems) project. Currently, the belonging to the Ministry of Defense of the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency looking for researchers who explore the requirements for such a system in the areas of computing and algorithms.
BRASS is in the areas of design and durable Software systems research that can dynamically adapt to changes in the shared resources or environments. The DARPA expects that this completely new abstractions and the conscious use of resources is necessary. As a long-term goal is to develop software that resilient, reliable and easier to maintain than existing fails. This should ultimately even completely do without external update operations.
The independence of programming and updating processes could simultaneously reduce costs. Although are still hardware and software systems in use that have been developed over 50 years ago, but these are available only by expensive updates yet certain. Here, the DARPA apparently refers to the now 56 years old COBOL programming language, which is still used in software products in the business and financial sectors. ( Denise Bergert ) / (anw)

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