Medical Journal, 15/04/2015
Exhibition conhIT
On Tuesday, the fair conhIT has begun to be presented at the innovations in the health IT. Also included is the University Hospital Freiburg, which will make with the modernization of its IT system in the future very large jumps.
From Hauke Gerlof
The University Hospital of Freiburg from the air: the new IT and the processes to be inspired.
FREIBURG. If a large, fully loaded tanker change its direction or even want to stop, then a lot of energy is needed to run the ship maneuvers – and it takes time.
Something like it is with an information system of a large university hospital, especially when it comes to a long-house development.
Event tip conhIT
Dr. Christian Haverkamp , a neurologist and director of the Office of IT processes at the University Hospital Freiburg, speaks during the Congress for conhIT on “Flexible communication processes based on a modular HIS architecture”
Date: Thursday, April 16 9:50 bis 10:10 clock
Location: Berlin, fairgrounds, Congress Hall
The change to a new software takes time and preparation and a good feel for what the future will be important in the clinical IT.
The University Hospital Freiburg (UKF) was the fundamental decision to walk away from the in-house development, three years ago. The self-developed system had arrived after over 20 years at the end of the software life cycle.
So it had to be a decision can be made as to proceed. In addition, the requirements walked.
The founding of the University Heart Center Freiburg Bad Krozingen 2012 as the merger of the heart departments at the University Hospital with the heart center in Bad Krozingen made an exchange of patient data across multiple clinics necessary.
“For us it was this change in strategy is also a question of minimizing risk, “said Dr. Christian Haverkamp, director of the Office of IT processes at the Hospital Board.
If the three or four leaders of the development team time travel together to a conference in Heidelberg, “then should this happen nothing if the development of IT will remain secure,” said Haverkamp.
interfaces are critical
This was followed by visits of an interdisciplinary team of physicians, nursing and IT professionals from the hospital center in other university hospitals.
The goal: to see other solutions and first to take the fundamental decision whether a comprehensive hospital IT system is to create, or the approach of “Best of Breed” for the hospital fits better.
That is, for the individual areas to seek always the best software and so to associate the good interfaces all modules together, as if it is a comprehensive system.
As the great systems covering not all equally good at what a university hospital is required, Haverkamp, the decision was made in favor of the individual modules.
“It’s like a prefabricated house with prefabricated components that fit together, but which are then assembled with IT equipment in the UKF with us,” Haverkamp describes the basic principle.
the end of 2013 laid the Hospital data center then the IT Commission and the Hospital Board before a comprehensive approach to the reconstruction of Freiburg HIS. First, the Project communicating findings and report archiving was started.
After a European tender the contract fell to the Austrian provider synedra information technologies GmbH with the software synedra AIM as well as the InterComponentWare AG acting as subcontractors (ICW) with their Professional Exchange Server (PXS).
Other items of the whole project are patient management and accounting, as well as the clinical workplace.
IHE world ensures interoperability
condition for the recognition of partial solutions from different vendors is the good interoperability of the various programs. By opting for synedra ICW and the UKF is immersed in the IHE world.
IHE stands for Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise, an initiative of users and manufacturers with the aim to standardize the exchange of data between information systems in healthcare and harmonize.
Here are tuned medical procedures in coordination between software vendors and interfaces, standards and profiles designed so that the programs can exchange the required data easily and further processing.
In the UKF is IHE XDS the profile (Cross Enterprise Document Sharing) are used internally clinic and be an integral part within the hospital information system, so Haverkamp.
The University Hospital is also prepared to electronically exchange data with other hospitals or large referrers.
“It is conceivable, for example, an electronic case file (EFA) in common-treated patients,” are IT staff leader an outlook on the future possibilities of the UKF. Other elements of the concept of finding archiving and communication.
A privacy-compliant authorization concept based on the treatment relationship with central reaction in the diagnosis communication platform
“This is IT technically more complex mapping than the EFA because the data is there only brought together for a specific case, “said Haverkamp.
Clinic Internally, there is, however, to determine a question of who has access to what data to a patient in the digital archive of the hospital.
Structured finding data from HL7 messages in structured documents in modern CDA converted format (Clinical Document Architecture) and auditable archived.
documents, image data and other multimedia data are stored in a universal archive.
The access to a universal archive is an optimized for medical use multi-format viewer that is approved as a medical device
Commercial and medical staff see themselves in the priorities of the IT upgrade on a line. “The treatment of patients is our core business is crucial, therefore, is that the be designed processes around patients for doctors and nurses as smoothly as possible, “say Professor J. R. Siewert, chief medical director of the University Hospital, Commercial Director Bernd Sahner.
The medical processes were in the hospital IT compared to administrative processes and simply become increasingly prominent.
Patients in the center of the processes
The implementation of the new approach Archive for finding and communicating with migration of legacy data’ll UKF deal “for the next two years,” project manager Arnold Roesner describes the planned schedule.
The contract was awarded on the basis of conhIT it go now really begins. “There will be no Big Bang, but will be implemented progressively smaller areas first and then slowly increase the complexity,” says Dr. Michael Kraus, director of the clinic data center, further action.
Finally, the conversion is done as an open-heart surgery: The operation continues access to all reports of all patients must always be ensured so that no patient is at risk
In the late summer. will initially only be archived photos of a department in the new system, later there are further divisions and then document types. “The first big change is expected to come in a year,” says Kraus.
Then the tanker hospital IT in a new direction will be on the road.

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