Publishing In recent levels appeared under the heading “New Social Question” an article with yourself challenges involved, which represents the digital economy to the labor market. A few days later there was a company that is found in the text, clear criticism. The mirror had omitted facts or distorted in order to put the company in a false light.
“As we said ‘ investigative journalism quality ‘of the mirror on the glue went “is the detailed blog post overwritten, the employee has a marketing software company Seibert Media written. The text is a response and public criticism of the article “New Social Question” from the current mirror and is eagerly passed just in social media. In the Spiegel article is about a strategy paper the Ministry of Labour, which deals with the challenges addressed by the digitization of the world of work. Specifically meant mainly new work models where many freelancers are used and often do not pay social security contributions, so-called solo self-employed.
are as a company comes by way of example in the article also Seibert Media ago, the Wiesbaden office was visited by a mirror-editor. Now is not asserted in the mirror that “solo self-employed” would work in Seibert Media, in the context, the reader but certainly this impression. In this case, it is now reading the blog of the company, working at Seibert Media only permanent employees:
“Actually, you would, dear Mrs. L. (meaning the Mirror editor , Anm.d.Red.), a company owned, the more does not “normal job”, but only works with freelancers. And after your visit with us then had the problem that // SEIBERT / MEDIA has only normal jobs. Our employees are permanent and have very regular employment. “
Seibert Media practiced the principle of an agile organization. This means there is no fixed working hours, work places or hierarchy levels. This requires, however, according to information from the company electronic timekeeping and continuous outcome controls. The Spiegel article will be lifted especially on the control aspect of the agile organization, but without more detailed explanation of this principle. Thus we read in the mirror: “Those who work here must be willing to engage in full control. . The reward is participation “and further that in the mirror:
” Eight years ago, Seibert has begun to transform its classic company. Since then, he can watch online, whether the team achieve their own goals every employee and every customer. Can be done using a simple diagram: A blue line indicates what work is to be done. A red, how much is done. Large gaps raise questions – even in the workforce. For all employees involved in the competition. After the conversion had to go in Seibert Media few employees. A works council does not exist. Needless says Seibert. “
So the impression of a big brother company in which the total surveillance of employees on the agenda is created. In the corporate blog is Seibert Media defends decided against this representation, and also against the claim due to the transition had been dismissed people:
“A shift from traditional organization to agile methods has nothing to do with jobs but with the planning and implementation of software projects. For this you can throw out anyone. That is not happening and was told in no conversation. This representation is simply nonsense. But it fits nicely apparently striking. “
In the Spiegel article no wrong allegations are made. But apparently the working principle of the company is just not show up correctly. It gives the impression that the experiences of the reporter were put right on the spot so that they fit into the context of Article thesis. “Bluntly” that is then in the media jargon.
In the blog a reply e-mail the editor responsible mirror is documented. She writes to the criticism of the article:
“We have all the companies we visited for this story, critically and from employee perspective. That this is the reason for my visit with you, I told you. But you are right in that the text scored by a strong gathering in the newsroom an intensification. In a longer version of both the Agile concept and our conversation about the council was explained in more detail.
But this is certainly not the last article, we’ll write about the challenge of the digital economy. If you accept, I’ll get back to you when we dedicate ourselves again innovative business concepts. “
A kind of” Oops, better luck next time. ” If the company concerned to a next time do not feel like that would be understandable.

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