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If the Berlin police use analysis software that can predict when and where burglars strike again? Committee on Internal Affairs Senator Henkel speaks of a “certain to hit accuracy”
The Berlin police checks yet whether they will be using an analysis software for crime prediction – for control of burglary series. There was a “certain to hit accuracy,” Interior Senator Frank Henkel (CDU) said on Monday in the Internal Affairs Committee.
At present, the police still explore the market and value the experience of other federal states. It is far neither a decision has been made, nor is there concrete plans.
programs like the software “Precobs” (Pre Crime Observation System) evaluate a company from NRW to example, all burglaries in the city and to use this data to predict when and at what points burglars strike again.
Henkel said in mid-May to early June, should a Evaluation of the Bavarian police exist for use of such a computer program. The Berlin police will find out about the results. It also give contacts with other companies such as Microsoft and IBM, which had developed similar programs
Police President Kandt. “This can already bring some”
Police President Klaus Kandt spoke of a cost-benefit analysis. The programs are relatively expensive. He stressed that the focus would be on series of property crimes. “This can already bring something.” The programs are but it is not suitable for all forms of crime.
Crime Director Oliver servant from the country (LKA) said that the effectiveness of the programs is not yet proven. Actually it related to a tool with which the experts of the police could deepen their own assessments.
Many areas of crime, such as youth group violence and violent husbands belonged but in the area of social behavior. “And social behavior can not be predicted.”
the police union: Can not experienced policemen replace
Christopher Lauer criticized by the pirate faction, that it was not clear whether the anonymous data with which to work the program would remain truly anonymous. Anonymization leave often easily reversible.
The police union (GdP) pointed out that external information sources such as Twitter and Facebook are likely not likely to be used. In addition, such programs could not replace experienced policeman.
Source: AP / bee
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