40 years ago now – on April 4, 1975 – Microsoft saw in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the Light of the world. The founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen had stopped for the company graduated to its software for small computers – then called microcomputers – to market. Hence the name Microsoft , which is composed of the first syllables of Micro computer and soft software.
hooky for the computer
The two Microsoft founder Bill Gates (r.) and Paul Allen (l.) was added in 1981. ‘/ p >
The creation of the software company 40 years ago marked a milestone on the way to the digitization of our world as we know it today. The background to begin on the US West Coast Seattle. 1967 which the local Lakeside School as one of the first schools worldwide one of those huge, room-sized computers, then the only specialists used for statistical purposes. Student Bill Gates was fascinated by the machine. The 12-year-old truant even the PE lesson to spend every free minute in the computer room can.
Bill Gates and two-year older school friend Paul Allen tinkering since 1968 at its very first computer program, a software for managing schedules. For Gates receives 15 from the headmaster his first honorary over $ 500. Since then the two nerds are convinced that the computer will not only change the world, but also reasonable amount of money can discard.
Studienabruch for the software company
1974, the magazine “Popular Electronics” in front of a gray metal box with a lot of toggle switches and blinking lights, the microcomputer Altair 8800. Within four weeks invent the two possessed the programming language Basic 1.0 and sell it for $ 3,000 to the manufacturer of the Altair. The proceeds plugged college dropout Gates in 1975, founding his own company with Paul Allen – Microsoft was born
Goldesel IBM
. workforce by Microsoft in 1978 with the two Microsoft founders Bill Gates (front row, left) and Paul Allen (first row, r). Microsoft
1978 only a small company with eleven employees. But a short time later Bill Gates is possible with good luck and callousness of a coup that lays the foundation for his later billion empire. At that time, start small computer to conquer the market and International Business Machines, the world market leader for large computer, so IBM will not sleep through the trend. Big Blue, as IBM is known, brings the PC in position, but it is missing an operating system. The first meeting between the multinational IBM and Microsoft software Klitsche it could have arranged Mrs. Williamson. She was at that time in the supervisory board of a large nonprofit organization, where he had met one of the highest IBM executive.
In the meeting, Gates has the chutzpah, the IBMlern an operating system for the PC for sale, have written without writing a single line of programming. In order not to lose the business, he babbles the programmer Tim Paterson $ 50,000 from its operating system QDOS. QDOS is, according to Paterson for Quick and Dirty Operating system – “because it is not properly executed a plan, but always chose the fastest way”. Gates calls it MS-DOS – MS as an abbreviation for Microsoft DOS Disc Operating System – and passes it licensed to IBM. It does not require a fixed amount for MS-DOS, but for each PC, the IBM sold around three dollars. IBM cares not that Microsoft can sell the operating system and to the competition according to the contract.
The PC with MS-DOS is a hit
User Guide for the operating system MS-DOS 6.2 from 1993. MS-DOS is the predecessor of Microsoft Windows.
The PC with MS-DOS comes in the summer of 1981 on the market and is a hit. In just six months, IBM sold 50,000 units. The PC conquered the schools, homes, and above all the offices and with him the name Microsoft moults to the mark. 1983 running MS-DOS on every other computer and the company generated sales of $ 50 million. And in 1984, hailed by Time magazine the Microsoft Software MS-DOS as “The Magic Inside the Machine”.
Bill Gates meets Steve Jobs
caricature:” Steve Jobs in hell “
But then makes the magician Bill Gates a certain Steve Jobs with a completely new computer success dispute. 1984 presents Apple Macintosh, the first computer that has a graphical user interface and can be controlled with a mouse. Instead of having to feed the machine with endless numbers and character columns as in MS-DOS need to be with the new operating system of the Macintosh graphical symbols, called icons, simply press the mouse.
The Macintosh steals the PC the show
Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduced in January 1984 at Macintosh, the first computer with the mouse.
The Macintosh makes overnight to use a computer a breeze and the PC seems the Mac suddenly ten years to lag behind. Although he almost twice as expensive with a price of almost $ 4,000 as a PC, the new Apple computers sold well. Gates is excited and jealous at the same time and begins to suspect that rival Steve Jobs it can be dangerous.
A Microsoft team is now working day and night on an operating system that is based on the Apple and also works with icons and windows. A few months later, in 1985, Gates brings a new operating system called Windows – Window – on the market. It brings the PC not only on par with the Mac, but only costs half the price. So Apple is out of business. Insiders say Microsoft had then bought a Macintosh, disassemble it and copied the operating system.
The next coup succeeds Gates with the office software package MS Office. The application programs Word, Excel and PowerPoint, as well as e-mail program to be expanded more and more in the following years. Interesting: Curiously, start Microsoft in 1989 as the first with a version for the Apple Macintosh, a year later following a Windows Version.1990 makes Microsoft as first software company in the world more than a billion dollars in sales
ruler. the universe
Bill Gates is before 2001 Windows XP. . The popular operating system is 13 years doing his duty: First 2014 final with XP
After ten years working for about 90 percent of all computers on the globe with Windows – and the broadly today. 1995 Gates’ company in Redmond with 17,000 employees undisputed world leader and dominated the computer industry. “Master of the Universe” Time magazine dubbed the meantime richest man in the world. . At around 15 billion dollar, private wealth of Bill Gates
Almost totals the Internet sleepy
But at the summit of his success slept Gates a groundbreaking development: the World Wide Web. Quite a few prophesied in those days, the Internet is merely a temporary fad. Gates is also hesitant. Since dashes before a startup based in Los Angeles by Marc Andreessen and developed in 1994 the first browser with which anyone can easily surf the Internet, Netscape Navigator. Users get the browser free, only companies must pay. As Gates noted as rapidly conquered the Netscape browser the globe, Microsoft is launching its own browser, Internet Explorer. From now on, is all computers running Windows, and Internet Explorer at all free of charge, even for companies. It is the beginning of the end of Netscape.
From Anglagebank in the slums
The browser battle for the World Wide Web brings Microsoft accused a, Nescape using illegal methods to have ousted from the market. On 19 October 1998, the US Justice Department opened an antitrust case against Microsoft, the software world, the group almost breaks his neck. The indictment: Gates had abused its monopoly position to enter into the Internet business. A conviction would have a break-up of the group result. Bill Gates is in danger of losing everything.
During the procedure, the value of Microsoft’s stock dropped by a third, Gates private assets halved. In 2000, the Ministry of Justice calls for destruction of the software giant, however, shall collect the receivable one year later back again. Gates comes with a fright, but his image is gone. In the following years, transforms the ice-cold businessman for warm-hearted Samaritan. Together with his wife, Melinda, they make it a combat mission, hunger, poverty and disease in the developing world. He created a foundation and gives her a large portion of its assets: more than 25 billion dollars. The salvation of the world becomes a full time job so that gates throughout 2008 retires from the company.
By Steve Ballmer to Satya Nadella
In 2000, Steve Ballmer takes over Gates of the post of chief executives. The former college friend of founder Bill Gates will manage the company for 13 years, relatively unlucky – of a certain size corporations tend rather to inertia and inflexible to respond to current developments. So Microsoft has the trend towards mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet mostly sleepy. There are also problems with newer versions of the Windows operating system.
After Windows 8 is Windows 10
Only when Satya Nadella takes the helm in February 2014, Steve Ballmer, the group to catch up again begins. Microsoft has good records in the cloud business, the highly acclaimed Windows 10 operating system releases 2015 unloved Windows 8 from. Soon comes a completely new developed under the project name Spartan browser to the location of Internet Explorer, which now adheres to a rather stale image. As before, the Group makes the main business office is cluttered with his software and his operating system that potters still on nine out of ten computers. Anyway Microsoft future masters the digital revolution – one must let the software giant, very few other companies on the planet has been our daily lives as strongly as Microsoft

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