Industry 4.0: Trump is considering the App Store for industrial software – Reuters
Stocking deputy leader Peter Leibinger
The digitization is a building block for the industry, said Leibinger
(photo: dpa).
Ditzingen In the context of the increasing digitization of industrial production, the machine manufacturer Trump is considering a platform for software by. “It takes cloud platforms that are safe,” said Trump’s deputy leader Peter Leibinger Deutsche Presse-Agentur. He does not want to leave that IT companies. “We see this as an opportunity for trump.”
The term industry 4.0 hides the increasing digitization of production. This refers to communication between machines, but also the use of robots and devices that carry information about their processing chips with him. The development makes greater use of software and the exchange of data and in production needed.
The digitization is a building block for the industry, said Leibinger. “We will never allow that we are marginalized for hardware manufacturers.” At the same’ve stocking as a leader in manufacturing technology and a shared responsibility in the German industry. “It is the question of whether the” winner-takes-it-all “mechanism in the IT industry has been in this case. We simply do not know. “
software is in mechanical engineering and production already in use for years. But often it is tailor-made custom-made for individual companies. A data exchange would help much, Leibinger said. “It is interesting if it can be worked factory across.”
Industry 4.0
Many see the networking of the factory as the fourth industrial revolution – after the mechanization with hydro and steam engines, of labor mass production assembly lines and introduction of electronics and IT
For the networking of the production is frequently used the term industry 4.0 – Hannover Messe made the term popular a few years ago. Experts speak of cyber physical systems, ie in which physical and virtual world mingle. If objects are linked, is also on the Internet of Things speech – this applies not only for plants but also for cars or houses
Because industrial manufacturing and IT are merging more and more, the industry is an important customer for the IT industry: You now contributes about one fifth of sales at how the industry association Bitkom tells. It is no wonder that the organization at the industrial fair is present.
Politics also measured the topic great importance to the federal government considers Industry 4.0 in its high-tech strategy as “future project”. Good for the Economy and Science: This includes a funding of 200 million euros
The breakthrough of industry-4.0 technology is, however, still outstanding. Not least because many questions remain unanswered. What standards apply? Which communication networks are needed? As it is with the safety of the plants?
“There are in sheet metal manufacturing so-called box tools for the optimal arrangement of parts on a metal sheet, “he said. “We offer such programs. But we can imagine that a marketplace such programs to significant customer benefits leads, “Leibinger said. “We can imagine that it takes an open platform to enable new business models -. For example, in the form of apps”
“We can imagine, so as to build a kind of App Store for sheet metal fabrication “Leibinger said. That is far more complicated than offering smartphone apps. “If we offer services that lead to a crash in a machine that costs considerably more than if an app brings a smartphone to crash.”
In such a marketplace is likely hackers can not access. “Secondly, I must be sure that my data nothing is done, what I do not know,” says Leibinger. This trust will trump met with, which had shown the establishment of the company’s bank. Trump has founded the Institute in the past year to help customers finance machinery.
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