- Google Maps: Here one could recently “Pac-Man “Play, Google had built the classic as an additional feature. (Google Maps)
On April 1 could play on Google Maps the old consoles classic “Pac-Man”. The player sought to a place of his choice, and the maps became the pitch. Such more or less hidden gags are called “Easter Eggs”.
It was originally meant that programmers internals hidden messages in their software that were not even the manufacturers themselves known mostly. Supposedly, the first Easter Egg was a protest action of an Atari programmer in the computer game “Adventure”. For then the names of the games programmers were not called to prevent cult of personality and poaching. So Warren Robinett built an extra room in the game. Was this foot stood there simply: “Designed by Warren Robinett”
Easter Eggs are not just a software phenomenon.. Even in movies, series, books, music and paintings are hidden messages or additional content to be found. Some DVDs have, for example, more features that can not be seen right away.
In the music of the “Hidden Track” is on an album a classic, like Nirvana’s album Nevermind. There you will find the hidden song “Endless, Nameless”. Even the supposedly satanic backward messages that could be heard in the 1960s on records like “Revolver” by the Beatles can be referred to as Easter Egg.

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