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In the dark season dips are likely to increase again Photo:. Dpa
gets after years of strong increases, the Police in Baden-Württemberg the burglary crime apparently somewhat better grip. A new software should help you along the way.
Stuttgart – After several years of strong increase in burglary crime, according to Baden-Württemberg Interior Minister Reinhold Gall has achieved a trend reversal: This year, the number of burglaries had been declined by more than ten percent in the southwest, the SPD politician said on Friday. The clear-up rate had doubled to more than 20 percent compared to 2013 approximately. Gall led the development of the good work of the police investigation back – and on stepping up efforts to educate the population. Apparently the citizens
In the now imminent dark season the police expects – as in previous years – again with increasing number of burglaries. In the rooms of Stuttgart and Karlsruhe police holds from now on a new forecasting software against: Here the police computer with details of burglaries committed is fed. If professionals have been at work, you go all the experience assume that the probability in the first seven days after the burglary is high that the professionals will strike in the same neighborhood again. The computer proposes in such cases alarm, the police may then on endangered quarter more than keep an eye on other . The software is tested in the southwest for six months, the experiences evaluated scientifically <.! - stn-r articles (body text 4) (presentation.body.text)> The total cost of the pilot project amounts to EUR 220 000. Then you must decide if it wants to use the software permanently and comprehensively, as is already in the Swiss cities of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Also in Munich and Central Franconia, the software is used by the police .
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software against intruders
prediction is to facilitate police work

How is the probability that in a given residential area in the next few days a burglary is committed? A new software gives the police now it answers. Whether these answers are helpful to investigate after a six-month trial operation, the Max Planck Institute in Freiburg.

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