Click! Interior Minister Reinhold Gall tries on new system Photo:. Dpa
What is the probability that is committed in a certain residential area in the next few days a slump? A new software gives the police now it answers. Whether these answers are helpful to investigate after a six-month trial operation, the Max Planck Institute in Freiburg.
Stuttgart – In the presence of the police leadership of the country has Baden-Württemberg Interior Minister Reinhold Gall (SPD) launched a new project on Friday: A software to help the police, targeted to fight against intruders
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Tried the software in the police headquarters of Stuttgart and Karlsruhe. The system was developed by the Institute for pattern-based forecasting technique (IfmPt) in Oberhausen. Whether the whole thing brings something will be examined by the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg. Three months after the end of the six month test phase is expected to result, it was said on the part of those responsible
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The new software is already used by Swiss cities and from Munich and in Middle Franconia. Allegedly, the results are positive. Baden-Württemberg is now the first test site, the success or failure of the system can be studied scientifically. Then it will be decided whether a permanent and comprehensive software license is purchased. The test run will cost the country all in all, according to Gall EUR 220 000
suspicion of professional thieves? Then, the system sounds an alarm
In the system, the computer is fed with all intrusion data in recent years. Important include the burglary tool and the spoils – to see whether they are professionals. If so, the system sounds an alarm because of all the experience to beat professionals in the same district within a few days a second time to
Meanwhile, the union sees the police officers in the country on the border of their carrying capacity. “There will be in the near future collective deportations,” said the state leader of the police union (GdP), Rüdiger Seidenspinner, on Friday in Stuttgart. Was unclear, however, as these deportations were to deal with personnel. “If the stresses go on – and it must be assumed that -, we will not make it.”
The police had to and with refugees, the xenophobic Pegida Movement, football hooligans, burglaries, the increasing violence the daily business deal. “This means that our colleagues are already in the red zone,” said silkworm. Free weekends or recovery times are like “fairy tale from another world”. It was expected that colleagues are constantly available -. Without compensation
dispute over burden the police
Interior Minister Gall said the green-red state government have already reacted. So to be created in the field of administration or Forensic Science 216 points, so the police could be used for their primary responsibilities. “In addition, in 2016 the number of police recruits increased by a further 200 in 1100 and increased the overtime pay for the police to 1.5 million euros.”
CDU party leader Guido Wolf called 1500 additional jobs. The only way to meet the challenges of the police. FDP parliamentary leader Hans-Ulrich Rülke explained, nor are the consequences of the reform of the police not over, as the officials would have to make a further problem, namely the maintenance of good order in and around refugee facilities. He also called for more staff.
The Green politician Uli Sckerl pointed out that the black-yellow previous government was painted in 1000 police stations. “The revenge bitter. Police reform has been able to offset some, but not all. The police must be relieved from enforcement tasks which “
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