The police leadership of the country and the inventor Thomas Schweer (right) symbolically start the new system Photo: AP
Württemberg Interior Minister Reinhold Gall Baden-can show first signs of success in the fight against burglary crime. A new forecasting software he wants the increase yet, but the refugee crisis binds to the police more and more powers and should also determine the election campaign. It commented Rainer Wehaus.
Stuttgart Police in the country will no longer be behind smarter in the fight against burglars, but already: A new software that is now being tested by the police headquarters Stuttgart and Karlsruhe for six months, to the officials a sort of daily burglary Forecast supply. Lined with past and current cases, the software spits out probabilities for other burglaries from certain quarters. The police computer is broken for computer
The software is part of a package of measures with which met the green-red state government of the sharp rise in burglary crime. Interior Minister Reinhold Gall (SPD) can boast its first successes: the number of burglaries is reduced, the clearance rate increases. However, those cases are increasing further, where a burglar has been attempted. This shows that the problem has not become much smaller
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With the help of the new software can be burglary crime allegedly targeted combat. This only works if the police it also has the time and the staff. On Friday, the police union (GdP) sat in the southwest once again from an emergency call. The load limit of the officials had been reached. Now whine like unions. But that the influx of refugees heavily loaded even the police can not be disputed. The many conflicts in refugee facilities are just one of the great problems. Henceforth to be deported strengthened again, what it also needs more police. For a long time it seemed as if going to a say in the election campaign, the burglary crime. You do not need forecasting software to arrive at the conclusion: The refugee crisis is also superimpose this topic
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