The ailing freight division is for the German Post for bottomless pit. High depreciation of the failed in many parts of the introduction of new data processing systems forcing the Group to re-reduce its profit forecast. Developed with our partners IBM and SAP systems are “very, very complicated and end up in error,” admitted post-CFO Larry Rosen. therefore
The Post pulled the ripcord and underlined the profit forecast for 2015 by at least half a billion euros to at least 2.4 billion euros.
Analysts were surprised by the amount of the reduction, the Deutsche Post shares broke in Dax an up to 3.6 percent. The current year is a “year of transition”, tried to CEO Frank Appel to reassure investors.
Depreciation of 345 million in the cargo area
Total depreciation and provisions of € 345 million were incurred in the cargo area, told the Post. There would also be stresses in other sectors at an altitude of 200 million euros. These include, according to a spokeswoman for depreciation of unused aircraft, but also for the financing of pensions for civil servants would be taken in light of the low interest rates provision.
In the global freight business, the Post has been adding issues – for over two years to fall where the profits that return on sales with 0.8 percent last significantly below those of its competitors. The desire to change this management, while the IT plays an important role.
CEO Appel had personally taken over in April, the responsibility for the division, which contributes about a quarter of Group sales. The freight business is groaning under the impact of internal conversions. Because the company had invested a lot of money in the data processing division, which still works on paper mainly with documents. But the conversion failed.
SAP and IBM are trying on a new software solution
The Post working with partners such as SAP and IBM continue to develop a new IT environment for the freight division, Rosen said. This will however now being introduced in small steps: “evolution not revolution.” That will take years. Whether the introduction was a wrong decision, but one could say later. It is also too early to talk about compensation claims on SAP and IBM. SAP declined to comment.
“We continue to pursue the goal of renewing our cargo business,” underlined Appel. According to Rosen, a recovery should show 2016th Then the group, which lists off the cargo in express and parcel shipments thriving business wants, screw his winnings in the amount.
Operating revenues should rise by 2016 of at least one billion euros, Appel and roses set again a bit from 3.4 to 3.7 billion euros in prospect , For tailwind could thereby provide a postage increase in Germany.
The Post had recently announced its intention to increase prices so much not seen for almost 30 years. When mass-produced standard letter postage is expected to increase about 62 to 70 cents of the year.
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