cribbing to get to the Ph.D. faster – this temptation for scientists repeatedly. An abundance of computer programs has been developed to detect potential plagiarism electronically, but they only work incomplete. The Konstanzer computer science professor Bela Gipp and his colleague Norman Meuschke have now developed a novel CitePlag software for biomedical articles, analyzed the source references and citations on for similarities.
plagiarism detection programs usually compare words and phrases. “Integrated anti-plagiarism programs look for identical passages. If copying veiled, they rarely recognize this,” said Gipp. It is particularly difficult to detect whether the author paraphrases – ie descriptions – have used without proper reference explains Debora Weber-Wulff, computer science professor at the University of Technology and Science (HTW) Berlin.
The plagiarism expert has already made several tests to check plagiarism detection software and works with at Vroniplag Wiki -. an Internet platform that plagiarism findings documented
strange knowledge in your own words
From a paraphrase is when passages of another scientist will be issued in their own words and own text. “Software can not paraphrasing even the correct reference indication recognize,” says Weber-Wulff.
This is where Gipps to program. Was paraphrasing – that said content the same – “we will analyze, among other things, the order of references and mathematical formulas and can such similarities often seek out,” he says.
If, for example, in a set First, the theory of x, then Publication y and called Third, the formula Z, and appeared exactly the same sequence of a second time in another document, these similarities may indicate plagiarism
formula remains the formula -. no matter in what language
Another advantage of this method, says Gipp,” that it does not matter if what is written in German or Chinese is written because CitePlag looking not only for identical words. ” The program also examines language-independent features such as formulas – because a formula like E = mc² is available in all languages or translations or equal to
“Our program makes it difficult to transcribe.” says Gipp, “because it must be operated a much larger effort to change the display plagiierter content so that we can see no resemblance. The plagiarism is no longer worth it in time.”
However, stresses expert Weber-Wulff: If paraphrases are correctly reported, they are completely legitimate. “CitePlag provides an interesting approach,” says the expert. But she points out that the program is still stuck in the test phase: “It does not have any product maturity.”
Not for plagiarism in any text
Restrictions makes also the inventor. “CitePlag is intended for scientific documents, it can not be applied to any text. Currently it only allows the analysis of biomedical products,” says Gipp. It is available online for free for researchers in this field are available in the future.
For an analysis of the promotion of Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen, who in these weeks the criticism is, his program could not be applied, says Gipp. PubMed – a database of medical articles – will be fully integrated only towards the end of the year in the software
Software finds plagiarism not per se
Weber-Wulff is generally skeptical about plagiarism software. Some time ago, stood for their plagiarism detection software test 28 programs under scrutiny. Only 15 requests were all grown. None received a “very good” or “good.” . With a grade of “three” – a “partly useful” – cut only three programs: WITNESS, Turnitin and Copyscape
CitePlag evaluates as a ” Another tool “. An absolute security can not offer its program also admits Bela Gipp to. “CitePlag delivers suspicious sites,” he explains. “The scientific work should be additionally examined by an expert to safely talk about a plagiarism can.”
This aspect is also Weber-Wulff important: “The software should only a tool, but not a touchstone be”, stands in their study of 2013. Because “. plagiarism detection software does not plagiarism, but only identical passages” These equalities alone demonstrated no deception.
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