From Andreas Steinle
The digital transformation that captures every industry currently, the rules of the economy redefined. Industry boundaries dissolve and allow new competitors in the shortest possible time appear on the scene. Competitors who are traveling with heavy luggage, because they save on expensive infrastructure. A company like AirBnB has not a single hotel but organized overnight stays in 190 countries. AirBnB provides only the platform on which buyers and sellers come together of private accommodation. In the future, it is less and less about the hardware, but the skillful use of software. This applies not only for new business models in the service sector, but also for the industry.
Where do the data? And to whom do they belong?
The start-up Next Kraftwerke example networked power generation plants to form a virtual power plant, the next pool, and can therefore offer the combined capacity of the plants in the electricity market. The size of a company is defined in the future on the degree of crosslinking. The economic success depends on the quality of available data. Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser even speaks of a “digital war”: “The crucial question is: Where does the data come from? And to whom do they belong? Of which from
While previously technology was only part of the economy depends who wins this digital war at the end. “, It is today the process of restructuring the whole economy. Who operates as a plant engineering today, will no longer be paid tomorrow by its customers for the machines, but for their optimal control. Siemens follows this approach by calculating the analysis of weather data and wind farms, when and how much electricity is produced at what prices. It can be ensured by an automated production control that are powered particularly well with contracts at favorable electricity prices highly energy-intensive machines. Who is in possession of data and they know sent evaluate, has huge impact on processes and entire sectors of the economy.
New thinking for a new era
The digitization with its far-reaching consequences also the requirement profile of employees is fundamentally changing. A developer who previously shone particularly by its technical expertise, must think outside the box more and more. What the product is connected? What data can be collected? And how can we use this information for the customer? Employees must be much more curious than before. Your thirst for knowledge must not end with the product or when used in a business area, but must go beyond that. The companies are asked to change. You need people who think outside the box, provide a fertile ground for their curiosity. Many of the best engineers and computer prefers today to Silicon Valley and not the heavyweights of the German industry. It is less the high salaries, but the special mentality on the west coast. No idea is too crazy, no vision too big. Nowhere else is true pioneering spirit to such a fertile ground.
For this reason, currently make European companies from being represented by subsidiaries or a presence in the Valley. SAP, for example, has in Palo Alto, next to Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft, a sprawling settlement. After Herbert Henzler, the longtime German McKinsey boss, but there are still far too few. Especially in the German industry he deplored the lack of presence in the Valley and even sees “the future of the German economy in danger”. It is not just about markets. . It is all about finding the right spirit – the “Spirit” to develop, to require the digital transformation
you want with Andreas Steinle about your perspective on the digital transformation entertain? Then you will meet on 13 and 14 October to 6. B2B Marketing Congress in Würzburg! In his opening keynote “blood, sweat and tears in B2B Marketing” saith the future expert about the new interplay between technical and social intelligence. For more information about Andreas Steinle and the entire congress program and the possibility for online registration can be found here.
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