Thursday 08 October 2015
Volkswagen admits to have the software used to manipulate exhaust tests in Europe. Additional costs for the group are now possible – especially since claims are being made that VW should pay for damage control .
Volkswagen According to a media report manipulated diesel emissions in Europe. The Wolfsburg-based carmaker had admitted on request, that he had used the shutdown software in Europe, reported the research network of ARD and “Süddeutsche Zeitung” (“SZ”). So could recognize not only the American emission test, the control of many cars with the diesel engine EA 189 but also the European test cycle NEDC.
VW had announced were up to eleven million vehicles of the Group equipped with the software world, including eight million in Europe. Previously it had been called, in the majority of these vehicles, the software is installed but not turned on. The company had submitted on Wednesday the Federal Motor Transport Authority a schedule and action plan to deal with the exhaust scandal. The Federal Office wants the plans are now investigating. “Ejected less nitric oxide”
“The software used a test situation can be detected by the vehicle in the NEDC test run and the motor controller only during the test cycle to be converted to the emission of nitrogen oxides lawful values SZ “,” ARD and cited “a VW spokesman. So the “operating strategy of the engine changed so that fewer nitrogen oxides are discharged” will. By programming would “comply with the limits of the Euro-5 emissions standard during the test run”, VW had said.
The scandal was made public in mid-September by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Then Volkswagen had admitted the deception there. The group threatened in America high fines and damage claims. Worldwide identify authorities against Volkswagen. Also in Germany require car buyers damages because they have paid for a car with supposedly lower exhaust emissions more.
Tax payments possible
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According to the North Rhine-Westphalian Minister of Finance Norbert Walter-Borjans Volkswagen should pay for possible damage control, which may have arisen because of the exhaust manipulations. This was the minister demanded in a letter to federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, reported the “Sueddeutsche Zeitung”.
In the letter will refer to tax benefits for diesel engines with low exhaust gas values. Because of the avowed VW manipulations numerous cars may have been taxed too low. Walter-Borjans penetrate that quickly unbureaucratic assistance with the carmaker would agreed, the report said.
The Green Group in the European Parliament urged the meantime the EU Commission in the scandal to examine the infringement procedure. The shortcomings identified by the US Environmental Protection Agency manipulations have “significant implications” for the EU, according to a letter to Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and several specialist commissioners. This applies to the health and environmental policy, but also for the internal market and European industrial policy.
The Federal Environment Agency also calls for stricter inspections of vehicles that are already on German roads. “The control has been neglected,” said Maria Krautzberger authorities boss of “SZ”. What was needed was an “independent, transparent and fees financed monitoring of vehicles in service”. If there are deviations, the producers would be subject to penalties.

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