According to Google now also makes Tesla a first step towards self-propelled electric cars. The vehicles will even change lanes and maintain the correct distance. Tesla owners get the “autopilot” function via software update – but this will cost.
The electric car manufacturer Tesla-lets his cars hold the future automatically track and the distance. In addition, they should be able to change lanes and parallel parking. The already announced in last year “autopilot” functions are first added in the United States starting Thursday via software update. Europe and Asia will follow soon.
The functions for automated driving cost a Tesla owner $ 2,500. However, they are still in the initial phase, and the drivers should be hands on the wheel, said founder and chief Elon Musk in a conference call on Wednesday. In relaxed traffic situations some drivers may be able to let go of the control – “but we do not recommend that.” Give it an accident when changing lanes with “autopilot”, exemplary still the driver, Musk said.
Radar and ultrasonic sensors installed
The car changes lanes alone when the turn signal is activated. When parking, the software also automatically searches for a suitable parking space.
Tesla had already equipped in recent months, the vehicles freshly produced its Model S with radar and ultrasonic sensors and cameras. This enables, among other things, a side-impact warning. Around 60 000 of the 90 000 built Tesla had the necessary equipment on board. Sensor data from the vehicles are uploaded to Tesla to improve the capabilities of the software. “The system learns over time,” Musk said.
In three years without assistance from A to B?
Also, the SUV model X, whose production is being ramped up, to get the “autopilot” functions. Musk expects that cars in three years, in principle, by itself the occupants from A to B might bring. It will still take at least a year longer to create a legal framework for it.
Tesla about 50 employees working at the “autopilot” software and about 100 on the hardware to Musk said. The carmaker has a total of around 14 000 employees.
So far, Tesla plays only in the luxury class with
Other manufacturers integrate into their cars already functions for automated driving, such as Mercedes in its S-Class. For Tesla, the car should be able to go to the next software version 7.1 from alone in the garage.
The billionaire Musk is betting that the future belongs to electric drives. With prices at $ 70,000 Tesla plays so far but only in the luxury class. Musk hopes for a sales boost when from 2017 is a “Model 3″ for around 35,000 dollars.
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