Photo: Helmut Schneider / Archives Tinkering like: Geigenbaumeister Ekkard Seidl from Markneukirchen and his wife Petra.
From Ronny Hager
published on 10/24/2015
Markneukirchen. Ida is not an easy girl, Ida is a heavyweight. Ida is the result of five years of work, Ida is the abbreviation for instrument data assistant. A software that is available in several languages and opens closed doors for “biography” of a musical instrument for collectors, instrument makers, museums, scientists. It is the joint work of the master violin maker Ekkard Seidl from Markneukirchen, his wife Petra and the computer scientist Holger Pschera from Erlbach. In early November provides Ekkard Seidl Ida at the University of Applied Sciences and for the first time publicly in Markneukirchen before.
program breaks new ground
Born Ida out of necessity. The emergency was Zettelwirtschaft. Here and there wrote down what and not found again at the end, so it was, itself recalls Seidl. What to do with all the knowledge of the musical instruments, their wood, their builders, players and owners? Computer Help! “I was looking for a program for the management of data. That did not exist,” says the master violin maker. So tinker. Chance led to Holger Seidl Pschera, born in 1986, studied computer science with a focus on system development. “He has eaten at the idea of a fool,” says Seidl and it is clear what he means: Without him, the highly complex Ida would not be there now
What’s started to Ekkard Seidl’s longstanding collection to. to preserve features Vogtland musical instruments in the long run, can be transferred to others. “It does not matter with what the software is fed. It’s for all instruments, people, countries,” says Seidl. Anyone can use Ida, who invested 450 euros for the purchase. Ida is also available in English, Italian, French, in Czech it is in work. Not the pseudo-translation program runs in the background – the concepts are integrated in cooperation with native speakers in the software. For each additional 100 euros users can acquire the also developed violin standard works of Zöbisch and Lütgendorff.
Ida need plenty of feed
What can that Ida? The skeleton of the data is the documentation of an instrument: About 25 photos belong to 400 degree camber lines – at about six violins ever at ceiling and floor – to the age provisions on the annual rings in the wood. “This dataset describes an instrument so well that you can understand it,” said Seidl. The key benefit is the networking: What can not list Collection – establish correlations, discover that no one suspected. It is enough sometimes a touch of a button, and the software displays details of various instruments that originate from a single source. The link with the builder, his family, his relatives leave so the pedigree, comes to light the soul of an instrument, keep in mind, why exactly this instrument like no other is.
A dongle is designed to prevent hack strangers in the data treasure and only the purchaser of the software has its joy in Ida. In Kronberg, Regensburg, Mittenwald Seidl Ida has been presented among others. “The response to this is huge,” he says. First purchaser’s also in Markneukirchen. Sustainable is the idea Ida also – knowledge is not buried between glue and wood shavings, if an instrument builder dies.

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