popular with burglars: The dark season
Can computers predict slumps? A forecasting software, which is based on offenses committed, is being developed in Hesse for several months and tested. You should be able to predict which targets gangs have in their sights. Behind this is the assumption that burglaries often occur after the same pattern and strike offenders with high probability within a certain radius again.
The Landeskriminalamt test and evaluate the programs currently in Wiesbaden and the counties Main-Taunus, Darmstadt-Dieburg and Main-Kinzig. With results the Interior Ministry expects early 2016. Interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) had called field trials as encouraging last March.
Hessen is not as Baden-Württemberg and a few other states to “Precobs”, but develops its own programs. In Baden-Württemberg the software from this Friday to be tested in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe. “Precobs” is lined with countless data from previous break-ins and sounds an alarm when a possible next scene is recognized. The police in Bavaria said to have had good experiences with the program. Among experts, however, is controversial, as the software is helpful. Even privacy advocates are skeptical.
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