IMS, the company for information and management systems, headquartered in Dinslaken, developed special computer programs. The city of Chemnitz has had good experience with their use in the asylum area
The accommodation of Asylbewebern provides municipalities currently facing enormous challenges. Housing is scarce, it is important to as quickly as possible the see the item under dispositions premises each matching for families with children, couples or single applicant. Here, a special software from Dinslaken help that has been developed by IMS, the Society for Information and Management Systems, which is headquartered at the Erlenstraße. In the city of Chemnitz is the special software module, which is called “living accommodation”, “already successfully in use and has proven itself in practice”, as reported yesterday in the RP-week Svea Kostanczak from IMS.
The Dinslakener software company for years developed its own programs for the real estate, building and facility management, which are offered under the name IMSware. A basic system can be the suitable needs supplemented accordingly by more than 35 modules for a variety of tasks. Customers are local authorities, administrations, companies, industrial companies as well as churches and social organizations.
As for the city of Chemnitz it was clear that IMSware should be used for the accommodation of asylum seekers, IMS has in cooperation with the administration of Chemnitz an extension program developed that is individually tailored to the municipality, as Svea Kostanczak further reported. The local social welfare office already managed the municipal stock of social housing with the Software from Dinslaken. In the area of housing provision of asylum seekers also rented rooms and areas, single homes and apartment buildings and available hotel rooms have been entered into the system now. About mouse is abrufruf over which features what apartment has, whether it is for disabled people, for example, whether a bath is available if there is a communal kitchen and a separate kitchen. Also details the equipment inventory, for example, from chairs and beds are available. The computer program also has a statistics function and helps in the evaluation of data, represents the results on request as a diagram. The declared goal is to as quickly as possible to find the right housing for refugees and asylum seekers.
With the Software from Dinslaken, the user can see by clicking, as the current utilization is, whether there are any free space capacity. For the city of Chemnitz has also proven that their administration is due to the program IMSware able to provide the exact utilization data for refugee shelters for any day of the year.
As the accommodation of asylum seekers with the help of Dinslakener software can be supported, which is explained in a user meeting, which hosted IMS on 24 November in Dusseldorf. At this meeting, Wolf-Peter Bohndorf of the city of Chemnitz is a user report on the experience that has made the municipality with IMSware.
The Dinslakener company IMS currently registered an increasing customer interest in its software for housing refugees, especially since the program can be adapted to the specific needs of individual communities and upgradeable is
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