itemprop "headline" class = "article__header__heading"> Kaspersky Group Berlin police uses controversial Russian Software

Photo: Reto Klar
A Officials at his computer in the emergency center of the police
Ulrich Kraetzer
Remember: The Berlin police uses a Russian security software whose manufacturers
Gerhard Schröder (SPD) Vladimir Putin had once referred to as a “flawless democrat”. Thus, the then Chancellor stood quite alone. For the Russian president and “his” many authorities seemed even then suspect. More recently, the reputation of the Kremlin has particularly suffered. Because after conviction German security authorities hacked Russian intelligence officers in April 2015, the computer system of the Bundestag. Then they fired using Russian media the conspiracy in the case of alleged rape of a 13-year-old from Marzahn-Hellersdorf. Russian Foreign Minister imputed to the German authorities, even to cover up “the incident”.
“information war” against the West by all means
The rape there were no more as an attempt to cover-up. However, became clear that the Kremlin almost all means are apparently quite the “information war” against the West. The distrust of the Putin’s Russia could therefore hardly be greater. In this political conflict situation now falls the news that the Berlin police uses the security software a company whose majority shareholder a Russian group is -. The supposedly best relations with the Kremlin and has relationships with the Russian secret services
Specifically, it is a software of the Baden-Württemberg company “Ego Secure”. It ensures that on police computers only external devices, such as USB flash drives, can be used that have been authorized. A “highly sensitive area of data processing” So, as the Green inner politician Benedikt Lux, who had asked the parliamentary question to the police software. Lux is willing to distribute any alarmism. But the information of the internal management make him a warning: “Only the abstract possibility of a connection to Russian intelligence services should – be excluded – especially in these times.”
Notes on an actual security breach or even on an already made data leakage, there are not – reasons, but just to look already. Because “Ego Secure” since 2011 is part of 60 percent of the Russian group of companies “InfoWatch Labs”. This is controlled by the businesswoman Natalya Kaspersky, the manufacturer of the world-famous eponymous anti-virus software.
the co-founder “Such access is not technically possible”
Natalya Kaspersky, but especially her former husband Eugene Kaspersky, has always accused again of having a great proximity to the Russian secret services. Stubbornly holding rumors the company would pass on sensitive data. Eugene Kaspersky itself, whilst acknowledging a collaboration with the service to inform about circulating viruses. The presumption of the government to pass information from users, on the other hand he has always denied.
Ego Secure has the possibility of security leaks back anyway. The company IN QUESTION completely independent of Kaspersky and its group of companies. The software used in the Berlin police had developed independently, codes of Russian “InfoWatch” group were not implemented. The fear that the Russian secret service may have access to police data, unfounded. “Such access is not possible technically,” says managing director Sergei Schlotthauer.
Manufacturers provides independent verification of
The internal administration withdraws to formal legal aspects. At the time of procurement there was “no evidence of possible allocation restrictions”. At Details for computer security, the authority will as little as it is on the integration of “Secure ego” with the Kaspersky empire. The Green politician Lux therefore referred to the response of the authorities as “naive”.
The company Ego Secure fears meanwhile about their reputation. It was prepared to validate the program by an independent body – such as the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)
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