“Two manufacturers, whose names I can not name, are approached me and have told me how they try internally to prevent such situations, and has been for 25 years, “said the Secretary of State for transport and air quality in the US environmental Protection agency, Christopher Grundler, the” Handelsblatt “(Friday). The EPA had the VW exhaust scandal around the forbidden engine programming ( “defeat device”) with uncovered.
Grundler said, one of the automakers have a committee which limits the allowable software during the development phase of the engines oversee. “Another producer told me that he his staff trained every year and every software developer carries a laminated card in his breast pocket, on the definition of” defeat device “is what is allowed and what is not.”
In addition, the top environmental overseer of the uS auto industry announced that the EPA would cooperate more with international colleagues from other authorities: “It is my intention to create a global network of regulators to share information and exchange ideas.” In spring was to be held a summit meeting with the EPA, which also includes European authorities are invited
to the still unclear recall plan for the US nearly 600 000. concerned VW diesels said Grundler:. “We insist that the repair is durable and has no impact on the owners of vehicles. What we say now for five months. “

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