Author: Carsten Wemken / editors: Diana Artist

Source: © Jan Schumann / fotolia.com
According to the Business Software Alliance (BSA), the trade association for the software maker, is in Germany almost a quarter of the used software licensed wrong. License audits are now standard of the major manufacturers such as Microsoft, IBM, Oracle or SAP. Without software asset management (SAM), it is difficult for many companies hard to prove that the software used does not exceed the acquired amount of usage rights. Under time pressure is resorted to extrapolations and assumptions – a temporary solution with high risks. Because with false licenses that compensation is often estimated at criminal impacts of copyright.
Rent is trendy
Against this background, many companies welcome an intensifying trend towards software leasing models. They believe so automatically compliant and to be protected from audits. Rental Systems wide mainly for two reasons rapidly from: The major manufacturers have increasingly turned against the conventional purchase license from. Secondly, many start-up companies use for their products from the start exclusively on subscription models.
Many license programs are already mature and user adoption increases. Not surprisingly, since the development has advantages for both sides. Based on the contracts, the producer knows exactly when he gets how much money. He can also check if the licenses are still valid and more difficult as the customer under licensing through Internet-based mechanisms. The user companies on the other hand regularly pay small amounts and no longer need to make such a high one-time investments to license the beginning. The biggest change concerns the right to use: With a purchase license application in the acquired version or edition may be used indefinitely. The only challenge is to know the license terms that may differ from application to application, – a typical task of license management. In contrast, ends with a rental or subscription license the right to use, once the contract expires. Often an online query regularly checks the validity of the licenses. Once the manufacturer database notifies the rental end, the software provides its operation and all functionality can no longer be used.
- http://www.comparex-group.com/web/de/de/services/software-asset-management/managed-services-sam2go/managed-services-sam2go.htm
Part 1
of 4

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