After the weekend an Apple security certificate has expired, users report problems again when opening programs, which originate from the Mac App Store .
an expired certificate ensures again for problems with programs that have been purchased in the Mac App Store. For some users when opening the app, a message appears, you have purchased the software on another Mac and must therefore again the password to be entered to the Apple ID used for the Mac App Store.
A similar error message also appeared at the last certificate problems of the Mac App Store last November. After typing the password, the program should start again as usual.
Error 173
Other users report that the app launch fails simply, the program crashes immediately again. As error message OS X performs an error 173 ( “Service exited with abnormal code: 173″) on. In some cases, the app seems to start after several attempts yet.
the app Opens ultimately, users should pull them out of the Applications folder to the Trash, empty it and the software then again from the download Mac App Store – find about the “Purchases”. If problems persist, sometimes helps a waste and re-log in to the Mac App Store and restart the Mac.
Latest Version of El Capitan also affected
It is generally recommended that current El Capitan version OS X 10.11.3 einzuspielen to minimize potential certification problems with Mac App Store software – however the described problems can also occur in the current version. For users who still use OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard and can not switch to El Capitan or want, Apple has released an update for the Mac App Store in late January.
The concern obstacles to the app open not all related from the Mac App Store apps. Apparently also the time of purchase, download or update affects the behavior, such as the game manufacturer Aspyr warned in advance. Similar problems with Mac App Store software users had in November 2015, which gave programs at that time partly as damaged from. (lbe)

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