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Karlsruhe (ots) – The Unicon software development and sales company mbH (http://www.unicon-software.com) from Karlsruhe is with its products a leading provider of software solutions for Server Based computing and Thin client management: with the current release eLux RP 4:11 supports the solution of Unicon software a number of new functions to existing technology partners and extends the benefits of the solution through partnerships with new technical and services partners
Unicon expanded its Unified Communication offer
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the focus Unified Communication solutions from Cisco and Citrix: Cisco Virtualization Experience Media Engine (VXME) Unicon software now supports a more unified communication solution including proper peripheral to its operating system eLux RP 4:11. In conjunction with the communication service Cisco Jabber for Windows Unicon offers currently the only provider of a Linux-based operating system in addition to SUSE a way, high-quality audio and video conferences within a virtual desktop environment to use my thin client.
in addition to the Cisco VXME solution Unicon software supports the current HDX realTime Optimization Pack 2.0 for the use of Skype for Business in virtual environments. The HDX RealTime Optimization Pack consists of the HDX RealTime Connector for Skype for Business (the on the XenApp or XenDesktop shared servers running) and the HDX RealTime Media Engine on the thin client.
extension of the existing service partnership between Unicon software and Confexx
The Munich IT and project service Confexx GmbH is certified service and support partner of Unicon software development and sales mbH in Karlsruhe. The focus is on products and solutions of Unicon software thin client computing. The hardware-independent operating system eLux® and the Scout Enterprise Management Suite®
The continuous enhancements of thin client solution provide system administrators with new challenges , Accordingly, Unicon software and Confexx GmbH München Am Westpark 1 have decided to expand the existing service partnership and to take account of increasing service and support needs.
The Confexx GmbH operates a central location in Munich, , a service and support center for system and application support. With the support of complex system configurations in thin client products and solutions of Unicon’s services is significantly extended. This provides in particular for non-service contract customers Unicon software extensive new information, training and support offerings are available. In addition to a basis-training program for service managers and system administrators the Confexx GmbH also offers comprehensive workshops on problem solving in everyday business and personal training. Read more under http://www.confexx.de/unicon-services/
About Unicon
The Unicon software GmbH is your competent partner for cloud computing solutions. Since 1993, we develop and improve to hardware-independent, to offer our IT offers companies cost-effective and secure IT environments. With the Linux-based, hardware-independent operating system eLux® and management solution Scout Enterprise both medium-sized companies as well as international corporations can with thousands of jobs their IT centrally and efficiently manage -. Currently more than 1,000,000 thin clients in 45 countries
Press contact: Niels
Unicon software development and Vertriebs GmbH
Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 26 76131 Karlsruhe
phone: + 49721 96451-0
email: info@unicon-software.com
Internet: http://www.unicon-software.com
Press portal Newsroom: Unicon software GmbH

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