With new methods try swindler with so-called ransomware to arrive at a “ransom”. In a new series, which particularly affected several companies in the area of casting, the crooks sent their emails to companies who were looking for job mails. The fraudsters had provided the attachment of electronic mail with a malicious software. The aim was apparently to ask later for decryption or unblocking a sum of money.
“ransomware” there are programs that allow the perpetrators to encrypt data on the foreign computers or block. The perpetrators effectively acting mostly from abroad. So far, the letter fell on the fact that they were written in rather bad German.
For now reported cases has been found that the fraudsters apparently use a new and more suitable translation program. This and a now well matched optics suggested the victim that the emails obviously are “real”.
In the cases here last displayed reported the company employees that after the opening of the “Application” initially only times did nothing. After a prolonged period of time then all data on the company computers were encrypted with the ending “.trun”. To decrypt the PC again, the employees were asked to contact a certain address ending in “.ru”
This and other calls came fortunately nobody after., States in the Hesse police. Just last week, had been warned of the blackmailer virus “Locky”, which had paralyzed in Germany within hours thousands of computers. nightmare of all computer owners: A trojan spreads rapidly to an hour in the network – even with us! The ransomware encrypts files on the PC – uncrackable. The first German authority is already paralyzed.
Police warns because of the new ads from such emails and following tips:
– Do not open attachments from unknown – If in doubt at the sender to
-. Keep your system and installed programs, with regular updates and a virus program up to date. ” / p>
– If you are concerned, pay in no case the amount claimed. then a payment does not lead to activation of the computer
-. The data can be recovered usually by a specialist
-. If you are affected, inform the Police. Directions please contact the Criminal Investigation Department in Giessen on the phone 0641/7006 2555th

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