The software development using agile methods has entered the mainstream. In it, many speakers agreed on the Software Conference OOP in Munich. Only then can the creativity of the developer release, says, for example, Ward Cunningham:
“People need the freedom to define the necessary procedures Agile development is the counterpart to rigid procedures, which were always suggested us Represents.. If these ridige world of agile opposite, then it ends up somewhere in the middle. You have to define processes so that they fit for you “increase
quality as a target
Cunningham is one of the two inventors of Extreme programming, which forms the basis for agile programming. Work is carried out in pairs to the program code to verify this already during the formation. At times, even the architecture of the software changed still in the process of development. In addition, teams are given more autonomy in relation to the way in which they organize their work. This should improve the quality, explained Frank Buschmann of the Siemens AG.
“agility puts a strong focus on quality and predictability. That is, we look at the quality of the software based on their intended use. We respect also that the project team and its partners know at any time where the project is: What can and what can not, what functionality in which quality can I expect this is unlike the conventional development approach the second major advantage is the.. coping with change. agility refers explicitly to that during its development and operating time a system is subject to change. Most importantly for us, but also that agility appreciation towards all participants of a project very, very high holds. “
communication at eye level
It is about more quality of software, so to make this faster adaptable, but also about reach eye-level communication between software engineers and contractors. While in the early years at the beginning of this millennium rather smaller companies that have embarked on this process, to agile methods have now become established, observed Henning Wolf. He is Managing Director of it-agile GmbH from Hamburg and accompanied projects as a trainer and as a consultant.
“I would already think that we have now entered the mainstream with agile methods, especially Scrum has greatly common, but also Kanban perhaps comes from the lean region, and more and more companies a where you would not dare agility per se once, more and more insurance companies and banks use it. that to me is a sure sign that it has arrived. “
Frank Buschmann confirms this:
” this is also true for large companies such as Siemens AG We develop most of our systems with agile methods “
.. Security too little attention
One of the issues that has held mainly larger companies long was the question of whether these systems are also safe. This would previously partially still respected in projects too little, says Stephan Kaps, managing director of the Bonn consultancy Kitenco:
“This is because of this awareness that you have to take care of security checks himself and not just before start of production can press a penetration tester in your hand, that you have to take care during development to security issues, this awareness is I think not yet widely spread so far. “
Together with a security expert Kaps has established a set of rules as security tools can be integrated into the process of software development with agile methods. But it derive that developed with agile methods software is less secure than with conventional methods would be wrong. Methods like programming in pairs, the division into small, testable units and the precise definition of the desired results ensure that software rather does what it should do: function

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