The 25 OOP had its own Jubilee track with many historically-themed lectures. The keynote speakers old master Linda Rising shone like the well-known blogger Sascha Lobo.
The conference OOP took place this year for the 25th time in Munich. The most recent edition was titled “Software Meets Business”. Careful observers may argue that exactly this phrase for years is part of the logo. In fact, the organizers have lifted him aware of the logo in the text part. The sentence is the real gist of the conference for several years, Jutta Eckstein said in an interview with heise Developer . She has worked as Technical Chair is responsible for the technical quality of OOP. The reason for the removal from the logo and cross set in the text part is simply that the sentence is to be found as a graphic element in any search engine and thus should perish.
At the same time the logo now includes the subtitle “Your Source of Trust “. As this source of confidence the conference achieved slight growth compared to last year this year of 1900 participants. However, the fair visitors are included in the number, the only visited the exhibition, on which a total of 70 companies presented. According to the organizers, the number of participants from the areas of trade, financial services, government, media and engineering this year is particularly increased.
A total of 130 lectures had the reviewer team chosen from 450 submissions and thematically in 11 Tracks divided. That no single topic dominated the conference, is hardly surprising. Finally, the OOP aligned with a broad approach to both technical experts as developers, testers and Data Scientists and IT executives as project managers from the different business areas. Therefore, the program includes both current topics such containerization, Continuous Delivery and the Internet of Things and “classics” such as Scrum, C ++ and concepts of object oriented programming.
Younger developers like the name of the conference hardly with the latter get in touch. In the early days of OOP, it was the number one topic: Bjarne Stroustrup was the second edition of its C ++ 1991 – published standard work. In the same year, a new shooting star on paved: James Gosling, Mike Sheridan and Patrick Naughton launched a fresh language project, which appeared four years later than Java 1.0. Also CORBA emerged in the early nineties. The Common Object Request Broker Architecture realized with the model of distributed objects similar ideas as today’s Micro Services.
anecdotes and history
A few insights into the “historic “themes brought the pasted for 25 OOP Jubilee track. Among others gave Richard Soley, CEO of OMG (Object Management Group), which has defined the CORBA standard, an overview of the history of his organization. He touched next CORBA UML another hot topic of the nineties. That Soley two days later spoke on the IoT Forum, which took place in the context of OOP, covers everything from the history to the present. At the forum, he joined namely as two heads of 2014 as OMG subsidiary Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), which is engaged in the industrial 4.0.
Some Jubilee presentations reflected quite self-critical the major themes of the last 25. So was the lecture by James Grenning, one of the authors of the Agile Manifesto, under the heading: “. Agile, We Were Wrong (We Thought No One Would Care)”. A central, amusing presented knowledge was: “We now have over 350,000 Scrum Masters and only 54,000 Scrum Developers From this we conclude that it takes six Scrum Master for a Scrum Developer.”. Grennings ironic conclusion: “We were wrong all these years, now we should not waste time, continue to be wrong”
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> Linda Rising told passionate Patterns.
the who’s who of the pattern was found in Linda Risings highly entertaining lecture “Patterns. My Journey, What I’ve Learned and Continue to Learn” in a room together. Among the audience were among others Ralph Johnson, one of the authors of the standard work “Design Patterns”, and Mary Lynn Manns, who wrote with Rising the book “Fearless Change” and in 2015 released sequel “More Fearless Change”.
Wide Keynote spectrum
Linda Rising and Mary Lynn Manns belonged to prominent ranks of this year’s keynote speaker. They showed how IT-ler also benefit outside the technical area of the pattern and which helps them depending on the situation the most. A large sheet of objects on Patterns and Agile wikis spanned Ward Cunningham, the founder of WikiWikiWebs
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Sascha Lobo stressed that responsibility have the conference participants for the digital society.
a usual critical look at the handling of software brought a blogger Sascha Lobo. He formed the new subline of OOP “Your Source of Trust” to “You’re the source of trust”. He exhorted the participants that software touch so many aspects of life and the developer thus are responsible for the trusted design of progress. . You have to work as a digital translator and ambassador of the network and further develop the ethics of networking
A glimpse into the potential of the networked future gave Martin Förtsch and Thomas Endres of the TNG GmbH: They had their keynote a Oculus Rift two cameras expanded the closed Rift made firstly by insertion around for mixed-reality glasses and integrated to other features like face detection. In the example, a comparison presented by name and was recognized in the later stages: The virtual image contains the name of the famous person. In an interview with heise Developer the two computer scientists told later that they would like to have brought even the robot Nao company Aldebran Robotics on stage. They are currently working on a project that Nao with Augmented Reality, 3D cameras and telepresence robotics combined
in the exhibition area, the conference participants were able to try the presented at the Keynote Oculus Rift with facial recognition itself.
An established institution of OOP is the “ultimate IT Stammtisch”, in which discuss illustrious guests large and small IT headlines of the past year in an amusing way. Unfortunately Moderator Nicolai Josuttis were without the planned participants Sascha Lobo, who gave a presentation at Markus Lanz preference. The involvement of the audience brought quite surprising results. For instance, designated the majority of Windows 10 users than satisfied with what at least the Mac users on the stage did not want to understand.
in Germany
The Munich Declaration will bring more young people to study computer science.
the scope of the conference took the initiators of the Munich Declaration on the presentation of its invocation, the intended to strengthen the software engineering in Germany. Among the first signatories in addition to various professors, professors and industry representatives including Jutta Eckstein and Günter Fuhr Meister, CEO of OOP organizer SIGS Datacom.
The Declaration will help to further expand the core competency Software Engineering in the country. It underlines that “We encourage students and young students. Who wants migestalten the future, studied computer science” The initiators want primarily off the image of the programmer who sits between pizza boxes in a dark cellar and not communicating. So you reach not only few, but also the wrong people. Software Developer required software and team skills that belonged at the University of Munich on the evaluation criteria, such as Prof. Dr. Veronika Thurner of the University of Munich stressed.
the twenty-fifth OOP spanned content and the speaker selection accomplished to the heyday of the eponymous object-oriented programming to the modern development issues such as Micro Services, containerisation and industry 4.0 – and also to distinguished addition and future issues such as telepresence robotics. It was no lack of practical presentations on maintaining legacy software or the security aspects in the development. The wide range of course also means be spoiled for choice for the participants.
The next year the OOP place again at the ICM Munich namely 2017. 30 January to 3 February (warmth)

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